Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Posts Tagged ‘Liturgy’

2018 Solemn High Requiem Mass on All Souls Day (Latin Mass)

October 28th, 2018, Promulgated by Administrator

7:00PM Friday evening, Nov. 2nd!

Reprising the success of the All Souls’ Day celebration in 2017, again a Solemn High Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form will be held in All Souls Chapel at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery! 


Here are some memories of last year’s celebration, beginning with the first gasp from attendees as the three priests entered the Chapel in traditional black vestments, to the concluding Absolution over the Catafalque. 











A very special experience awaits those who love the Latin Mass — being able to attend in such an extraordinary setting!




      Celebrant 2017
 Father Peter Van Lieshout



Father Anthony Amato
     Celebrant 2018


















The Celebrant this year will be Father Anthony Amato, the Deacon of the Mass will be Father Peter Van Lieshout, and the Subdeacon will be Father Peter Mottola. 

The schola will again be under the direction of John Morabito.  

(Thank you to Bernie Dick for capturing these beautiful video  moments from last year!) 


Mass will begin at 7:00 PM on Friday, Nov. 2, 2018.




























»The Solemn High Requiem Mass will be offered for the souls of all deceased Rochester Diocesan priests.

   »The Chapel is located on the east side of Lake Avenue, nearly opposite the Lake Avenue entrance to the Cemetery.

      »Reception with light refreshments will follow in the Cemetery Gatehouse.

         »For more information on All Souls Chapel at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery click here.

“It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought

to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.”

II Maccabees 12:46





This is one thing that keeps me Catholic.

September 4th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

web LMC FinalOne of the things that keeps me Catholic is the Church’s understanding and living out of the doctrine of the Incarnation: that God condescended to become man so that man might become God. This refers to the transforming effect of divine grace, the indwelling spirit of God, and the transforming affect of the atonement of Christ. It literally means that God becoming flesh transformed flesh to become more divine, more like God, or to take on a divine nature. At the moment of the Incarnation all flesh –indeed, the entire physical universe– was objectively made holy and capable of transmitting God’s grace and life.

By the Incarnation, humankind was really changed and not left as a pile of sin, as Luther, in his extreme teaching, taught.

People and their actions –as well as things like bread and wine, water, oil and other material things– became capable of communicating God’s graces, became capable of completing in one aspect what was “lacking” in the redemption wrought by Jesus Christ.

Catholic art expresses well the doctrine of the Incarnation. It often depicts transcendence by rich colors and details and patterns, serene expressions, or, the opposite– explosive exuberance. In worship, Catholicism employs smells like incense, sounds like the ringing of bells, heavenly chanting, kissing, bowing, processing, standing, kneeling –all aspects of being physically alive. It’s the material universe celebrating its redeemed status.

This is considerably different from some core Protestant teachings and practices which are suspicious of anything human or physical that could be seen as even having the potential for competing with God. In such teaching humankind is not changed by the Incarnation in any objective way. Some Protestant Churches that hold the “extrinsic justification” teaching dearly are often devoid of visual art and ritual, smells and bells. (Music and preaching, however, are sometimes exalted in such Churches.) Most mainstream Protestant Churches can be found somewhere in between the Catholic and more puritan versions of Christianity. The Orthodox, of course, are more with the Catholics concerning the impact of the Incarnation and we can see that in their emphasis on art and sensual liturgies.

In the end it is the Catholic understanding of the impact of the doctrine of the Incarnation that keeps me Catholic. Indeed, as local Catholic parishes divorce themselves from sacred art, chanting, incense and ritual, the more they push me into Orthodoxy.

“Yes, but”… Versus Populum vs. Ad Orientem

June 16th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

From the blog Dominus mihi adjutor

by Fr Hugh Somerville-Knapman OSB

…It (an excerpt from a 1966 Catholic Herald newspaper article) refers to the then 18-month-old permission given to parishes in England and Wales to celebrate Mass versus populum, facing the people. It notes that only 10% of parishes had taken up this permission; at those 10% of parishes the change was said to be very popular with the people. Mmmm.

My first thought was to wonder if anyone would be so precipitate as to use this as an argument against the mounting desire for a return to ad orientem

Read the entire post HERE

‘How to Put God Back at the Center of the Liturgy’

June 4th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

From the National Catholic Register


The French magazine Famille Chretienne published an online interview with Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea on May 23. The following is a Register-commissioned translation from the original French.

Interviewer: Several weeks ago, you discussed a desire to see “The Sacrament of Sacraments put back in the central place,” that is, the Eucharist. What is your reasoning?

Cardinal Sarah: I wish to engage a serious consideration on this question, with the goal of placing…

Read more HERE

Restoring A Sense of the Sacred in Sacred Heart Cathedral

May 29th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

pair psdClick on the picture to see a larger image.

While attending the deacon ordination rite on Saturday, I realized, once again, a major weakness with our cathedral: the altar is not prominent. It is in the middle but it is too low and there is no suggestion of it as sacred space. That was by design, of course.

The people in charge of the renovation of Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester believed the congregation or community should be emphasized, not the altar and not the priest. Sacred space, to them, is the whole space when occupied by a congregation. They did not believe in a hierarchy of spaces. No space is more sacred than another in their theology of liturgy. In fact, no space is really sacred in itself. Only people gathered make a space sacred, according to their thinking. It is not a concept without some merit, in my opinion –“Where two or three are gathered in my name… ” But, of course, we also have in our tradition the influence of the Old Testament Temple layout and liturgy with its sacred spaces in hierarchical order , actions, prayers and theology. Jesus, we recall was a Temple goer. So were the earliest Christians until they were excluded from the Temple and synagogues. The Eucharist that they had always had to celebrate apart from the Temple/synagogues took on an increasingly Temple-like liturgical style to fill the void. Fairly early on in Christian history the priests/bishops, when celebrating the Eucharist, were compared to the High Priests of the Jerusalem Temple.

A desacralization of churches and the liturgy followed Vatican II. (We could argue endlessly as to whether that was what the Council Fathers had in mind.) But, tradition seems to be making a comeback. Slowly but surely –“brick by brick” some say– we are returning to a sense of the sacred. A more balanced understanding of liturgy in line with tradition and Vatican II thinking on the liturgy is evolving.

I have a proposal that would, I think, restore a sense of the sacred in our cathedral. You can see my proposal in the illustration at the top of this post. I think my proposal to raise the altar one step higher and to cover the altar with a ciborium would go a long way to restoring the Cathedral to Catholic tradition.

This is not the first time I have posted this proposal. It is the third time.

What sort of Mass did the Vatican II Fathers envision?

May 25th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie



Liturgical conservatives and progressives argue endlessly about this. Their argument will never be resolved, both because Sacrosanctum Concilium was and the subsequent magisterium has been self-contradictory, but also because neither side in the debate is willing to be honest about the historical facts. I am sorry to be harsh, but having read the output of both sides of the debate over a number of years, it is time it was said…

Read the full text HERE

The Lover Sings

May 13th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

By Peter Kwasniewski

Excerpt from his book “Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis”

As Augustine said, ‘only the lover can sing.’ We sing words that we are in love with, or rather, words that remind us of the one we are in love with. Whenever the Epistle or the Gospel is chanted at a Tridentine (Latin) Mass, it makes my heart race; it is a love-song, a song of the human heart caught up in romance with the eternal Word. In the new liturgy, by contrast,  the Bible is nearly always merely read out. There is no love affair; it is a sedate meeting where a certain amount of business has to be gone through.

Remember this? Father (then Deacon) Van Lieshout (Livonia) chants the Gospel.

Liturgical Entropy

May 4th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

From the New Liturgical Movement


…liturgical tradition: it is God’s gift to us, it comes before us and goes beyond us, but we must work hard to preserve it and to be worthy of it. What we absolutely must not do is think that it would be better to create an alternative “tradition” and attempt to…

Read more HERE

The Meaning(s) of Holy Thursday Feet Washing

January 26th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie
From the National Catholic Register
Liturgical Change Is Afoot in the Catholic Church

Master of the Housebook (fl. between 1475 and 1500) Link back to Creator infobox templateThe work of art depicted in this image and the reproduction thereof are in the public domain worldwide. The reproduction is part of a collection of reproductions compiled by The Yorck Project. The compilation copyright is held by Zenodot Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Artist: Master of the Housebook, from a “Passionsaltar”. (fl. between 1475 and 1500) *

Pope Francis has approved the practice of permitting women to have their feet washed, alongside of men, in the Holy Thursday mandatum liturgical ceremony. Francis himself has…

Read more HERE


*The work of art depicted in this image and the reproduction there of are in the public domain worldwide. The reproduction is part of a collection of reproductions compiled by The Yorck Project. The compilation copyright is held by Zenodot Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Should we hold hands during the “Our Father”?

January 7th, 2016, Promulgated by Bernie

From the Aleteia website:

During the Mass, we have two important moments: the Consecration and Communion. There – during the Mass – is where we find our unity; that is where we join ourselves to Christ and in Christ, through the common priesthood of the faithful. Holding hands is…

Read more HERE

Beware of the Modernists: Learning from Trees

December 21st, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From the New Liturgical Movement website

By Peter Kwasniewski

During Advent, many families and parishes have the custom of the Jesse Tree (go here for a beautiful description of what it is and how it works). And, of course, in Christian homes all over the world, Christmas trees will be set up in due course, decorated in all sorts of ways, as the month progresses towards…

Read it HERE

Read This Book

December 1st, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie



Click on pictures to see larger images.

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Facing God: 10 Advantages of Ad Orientem

November 19th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From Saint Peter’s List

Fr. Mark Kirby offers an excellent reflection on ad orientem. On his blog, Vultus Christi, Father Kirby reflects on five years of saying the Holy Mass ad orientem. He states, “after five years of offering Holy Mass ad orientem, I can say that I never want to have to return to the versus populum position.”

Read more here

“May the Lord BOOOO! you”

October 15th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From the church bulletin of one of our local parishes this weekend:

Wear your costume to Mass on Halloween
Since October 31 falls on a Saturday,
all trick or treaters are welcome to wear costumes
when you come to Mass at 4 or 5pm. We’ll
be doing a special blessing for safety, too

I have an email to the pastor and associate questioning how this helps youngsters celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I am awaiting a response. When I get an answer I will share it with you.

Dr. Kwasniewski’s Lecture at Steubenville: “The Old Mass and the New Evangelization: Beyond the Long Winter of Rationalism”

September 12th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From Rorate Caeli

The Old Mass and the New Evangelization:
Beyond the Long Winter of Rationalism

Peter A. Kwasniewski

Gentile Gallery of the J. C. Williams Center

The Franciscan University of Steubenville

September 7, 2015

Read the text of the talk Here.

Divine Worship: Missal Announcement

September 5th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From Thine Own Service

Posted by in Ordinariate

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“Our Lady of Walsingham” banner at the Fellowship of St. Alban, Henrietta, NY (Church of the Good Shepherd).

“Following several years of work, it is a joy to learn today that Divine Worship: The Missal is to be published in time for Advent this year. This missal represents the definitive expression of the Anglican liturgical patrimony within… “

Read More Here…

Every English Mass Should Be Like the Anglican Ordinariate’s

August 27th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From Heroic Virtue Creations Blog

OurLadyOfWalsinghamChurchWe traveled to Houston this weekend and went to Holy Mass at Our Lady of Walsingham, a church in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.I was delighted when Pope Emeritus Benedict established the Anglican Ordinariate years ago, but I had never gone to one of its churches. Until Sunday.

The parish is beautiful. It is like an acre of England has been cut out and dropped in Houston. The church itself looks like a classic Anglican (originally Catholic!) church.

The language of the liturgy is English, but the phrasing and words used are elegant, dignified, and…

Read More Here…

Mass at the Fellowship of Saint Alban in Henrietta, NY.

Mass at the Fellowship of Saint Alban in Henrietta, NY.

The Fellowship of Saint Alban will celebrate Mass in the Anglican tradition (Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter) this coming Saturday (5:00 pm) at The Church of the Good Shepherd, 3318 E Henrietta Rd, Henrietta, NY 14467 (the old church that faces onto East Henrietta Road). It’s a real Roman Catholic Mass and you can receive communion. Light refreshments and social following Mass.

Fellowship website here:

Vigil Mass for Easter V

May 2nd, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

Vigil Mass for the 5th week of Easter was celebrated by the Fellowship of St. Alban at the Henrietta Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd. Father Jason Catania was the guest celebrant and Jacob Kasak was the guest organist. The intention for the Mass was the repose of the soul of Helen Scott, a member of the Fellowship (Roman Catholic Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.)


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Bishop Matano is my bishop. Period.

May 1st, 2015, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Something disturbing has been happening for months and, frankly, it seems time to discuss the matter and to welcome knowledgeable input.  When Bishop Matano was installed as Bishop of Rochester, in January 2014, the liturgical words in the Canon of the Mass recognized the change immediately, mentioning “Salvatore” as “our Bishop”.  The only slight variation for a while seemed to be a few priests trying to decide if the “e” at the end is silent or not, and that was resolved quickly.

The Canon of the Mass refers to both our Pope and local ordinary.  When the Anglican Ordinariate was formed, adding the Pope and their ordinary was part of the requirement to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  In the Roman rite, in the Novus Ordo, any one of the four Eucharistic Prayers may be offered, depending on certain factors of appropriateness. Mention of Pope and Bishop all have similar wordings:

Eucharistic Prayer I refers to “…together with your servant Francis, our Pope, and Salvatore, our Bishop, and all those who, holding to the truth, hand on the catholic and apostolic faith.”

Eucharistic Prayer II mentions “…together with Francis, our Pope, and Salvatore, our Bishop and all the clergy.”

Eucharistic Prayer III says “with your servant Francis, our Pope, and Salvatore our Bishop, the Order of Bishops, all the clergy…etc.”

Eucharistic Prayer IV states: “…especially your servant Francis, our Pope, Salvatore, our Bishop, and the whole Order of Bishops, all the clergy, etc….”

Only Eucharistic Prayer I names the Pope and the local Bishop before the consecration.  The other three mention the Pope and local ordinary after the Consecration.  As an aside, among some Rochester clergy there seems to be a distinct avoidance of Eucharistic Prayer I (maybe I only notice because it is my favorite, giving such a sense of heritage back to the early Church.)  In any case, the following commentary does not seem to be related to which Eucharistic Prayer is used, except I haven’t noticed it in the use of Eucharistic Prayer I.

At least six months ago, perhaps longer, it became obvious that a number of Rochester diocesan priests were (and still are) adding Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark to the recital in the Eucharistic Prayers. At first it was “…our Bishop, Salvatore, and Bishop Emeritus Matthew…” now it has progressed to “our bishops, Salvatore and Matthew.”  The trend seems more noticeable among priests who have their own favorite tweaks of the liturgy, which really has no place anyway in faithful celebration of the Mass.

Perhaps I am wrong to be disturbed by this, so I welcome comments and correction. It is not that praying for someone / anyone isn’t a meritorious thing to do, but should the Canon of the Mass be prayed this way?  (Mention at the intercessions seems a very different matter.)  If it is allowed, and even encouraged, why aren’t we praying for “our Pope Francis, and Pope Emeritus Benedict”?  One might suspect that it is because we have ONE Pope, a sign of the Church’s oneness. However, we also have one Bishop, and I’m not confused about that fact.  Bishop Matano is my bishop (for which I am most grateful) and it seems like a slight to him to have “Bishop Matthew” added back in (with such use INCREASING,) and especially to indicate an equal stature by saying “our bishops Salvatore and Matthew.”  Why is this happening? What can be done about it?

In discussion with a few others, I learned that Bp. Matano himself has mentioned Bishop Clark during a concelebration, but that is an entirely different situation from DoR priests using “Bishops” in the plural, or adding Bishop Matthew back into the recital after his retirement.

An acquaintance with whom I was discussing the matter sent me the following link. Be sure to read the last sentence:

Whatever this addition by some DoR priests means, we know that “A man cannot serve two masters.”  My bishop is Bishop Matano.  Period.

Fellowship of Saint Alban Tenebrae Service

April 2nd, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

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Click here to view Tenebrae film clips

Here is a link to some clips of last night’s Tenebrae service at the Fellowship of Saint Alban.

(The quality is not great as I took the wrong camera to the service. My apologies.)