Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Posts Tagged ‘Knights of Columbus’

Last Friday’s “Rosary for Priestly Vocations”

December 5th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

Here are some video clips (see links, below) from last Friday’s Rosary for Priestly Vocations, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Saint Damien of Molokai Council 11411 and held in the evening at Our Mother of Sorrows Church in the town of Greece. I attended as a member of Council 11411 and did the best I could to record with my simple camera, which is not a camcorder. These Vocation Rosaries do not draw large crowds although there are several faithful participants at every service. It’s too bad really, because they are so very beautiful. The Knights have been sponsoring the Rosaries for several years, now; maybe four or five years (I’m not sure). There are usually at least four each year held in different locations around Rochester. Father Alexander Bradshaw , the pastor at Mother of Sorrows presided at this latest one and Father Winfried Kellner read from scripture and offered reflections on each of the mysteries of the Rosary.  D.J. Fiorito, a member of the Saint Damien of Molokai Council and chief organizer for the prayer service, offered an introductory reflection on praying for vocations. He has been involved with the Vocation Rosaries since they began, even before becoming a Knight. Fiorito is planning on entering the seminary next year.

Part 1 Rosary for Priestly Vocations

Part 2 Rosary for Priestly Vocations