Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Posts Tagged ‘Anglican Use Mass’

This Week Only: Different Mass time at St. Alban

May 22nd, 2014, Promulgated by Ludwig

St. Alban

Due to a scheduling conflict, The Fellowship of St. Alban will be celebrating mass at 3:30pm this Sunday, rather than their usual 12:30pm. The location remains unchanged: the old church at Good Shepherd in Henrietta.

Following mass, they will be doing some grilling rather than their usual coffee-hour.

By way of reminder: the Fellowship of St. Alban is the local group of Catholics belonging to the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, and is in full communion with Rome.

All Catholics are always able to attend an Ordinariate mass. It does satisfy a Catholic’s Sunday obligation.

Questions about the Anglican Ordinariate

March 16th, 2014, Promulgated by Diane Harris


Location of U.S. Ordinariate communities

Location of U.S. Ordinariate communities

In 2009, Pope Benedict issued what one day may be properly regarded as a stunning achievement of his papacy, “Anglicanorum Coetibus,” which paved the way for groups of Anglican laity and pastors to become “Catholics,” in the truest and most complete sense, i.e. as community.  They ARE Catholics, folks.  They are WE.   Somehow,  Anglicans returning to Catholicism 480 years after the first Act of Supremacy by Henry VIII of England, has produced more of  a yawn,  a ‘huh?,’ on the part of many cradle Catholics, reverts and other converts.  And what has been true of the laity has also been true of some priests as well, who all don’t quite understand that those returning really are no longer Protestants! What happened to the celebration?  The shepherd who leaves the flock in the field to go find the stray celebrates when he brings it home.  The loving father who embraces his prodigal son throws a big feast for everyone.  And I remember the day I came back to the Church, I was acutely aware that all of heaven was rejoicing over just one soul that had returned!  Where has been our celebration? our joy? our rejoicing?  Sometimes it feels more to me like our returning brothers and sisters have been given the key to the side door, and asked not to make a mess.  Goodness!  they have come home after 480 years!  Praise God!

Early in March, 2014, was the first time all three ordinaries (what we would call bishops) of the three world areas (ordinariates — like big dioceses) were together, in Rome.  Cardinal Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, met with the Ordinaries and reminded them that the unity of the Church was the ostensible reason for the establishment of the ordinariates.  He called them to the “all-important task both to preserve the integrity and distinctiveness of your parish communitiies and, at the same time, help your people integrate into the larger Catholic community.”  The Zenit link, shown above, disappointed me in that it didn’t seem to recognize that there is a corresponding obligation of hospitality on the part of the Catholics already in the pew. 

Some have ventured to opine that Pope Francis may not be the fan of the Anglican Ordinariates that Pope Benedict was.  However, just a few months after becoming Pope, he relaxed further the membership requirements, making it easier for baptized Catholics, who had not received First Communion or Confirmation, to become members of the Anglican Ordinariate.  Read of that postive sign on Fr. Z’s blog here. 

Church of the Good Shepherd, Henrietta

Church of the Good Shepherd, Henrietta

Regardless of “membership,” all Catholics can attend the Anglican Ordinariate Mass and fulfill their Sunday “obligation.”  Don’t worry about “what to do,” as you will receive a hymnal, missalette, and the readings.  The first pew is used as a Communion rail, and one may receive under both species, or not.  Most Catholics will feel very comfortable and welcome among these brother and sister Catholics.  Sunday Mass is at 12:30 PM at Good Shepherd Church in Henrietta (Route 15A).  How about trying to attend at least once in the coming year?

Whether or not we choose to attend the Anglican Ordinariate (Catholic) Mass, IMO it behooves us as Catholics to at least know a bit more.  Attached is the content of a trifold brochure distributed by the St. Alban Fellowship in Henrietta, short and easy to read.  In addition, the pastor, Fr. John Cornelius, has graciously consented to answer questions right here.  Just post a question, in a comment, and he will respond. 

Meanwhile, click through for the brochure, and click on image to enlarge.    Websites are shown at the end. (more…)

Reflections on Pope Benedict’s Resignation

February 17th, 2013, Promulgated by Hopefull

Zenit carried two beautiful reflections on Pope Benedict’s resignation.  One is  a column by Abp. Gomez reflecting on the Pope’s retirement and legacy, and the second is by former Anglicans, expressing gratitude.  The Gomez article was earlier published in The Tidings, Southern CA’s Catholic Weekly on-line.   Here are a few excerpts and much wisdom and personal application from Abp. Gomez:

gomez_banner“This is the act of a saint…..Pope Benedict XVI has truly been a Holy Father to the family of God, his Catholic Church. His decision to resign is a beautiful, Christ like act of humility and love for the Church….This is the act of one who thinks not about himself but only about the will of God and the good of God’s people. May we all be given the grace to be so humble and so selfless in our ministries and daily responsibilities.” 

“Personally, I have always had great affection for this Pope. He is a beautiful man. … Pope Benedict is one of the wisest persons in our world today. I try to learn every day from his words and example…. We see from his speeches, homilies and writings, that this Pope understands the world in a deep way — from economics, politics and world affairs to the spiritual and moral issues that face every individual.” 

“Pope Benedict will be remembered as one of the Church’s great teachers of the faith….Education in the faith is my top pastoral priority for the Archdiocese. In order to truly live our faith, we need to know what we believe and why we believe it….I am concerned about a kind of “cultural Catholicism.” I’m concerned about people going to church on Sundays without really understanding why they are going or what they are doing. I’m concerned about people not really understanding the relationship between what we believe and how we should live. “

“Our faith is beautiful! There is richness to our Catholic faith that embraces all of life — from our private conversations with God in prayer to our participation in society. … Our faith should make all the difference in our lives. … Our religious education and catechesis should inspire a more intense practice of the faith. It should inspire people to want to know their faith better so that they can live it more fully — with greater love and devotion. “

Anglican Ordinary Monsignor Steenson

Anglican Ordinary Monsignor Steenson

 The other Zenit article (February 12, 2013) features the leader of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, which covers the U.S. and Canada, Monsignor Jeffrey Steenson, who  identifies one of the key pieces of Pope Benedict’s legacy as his work to reconcile Anglicans with the Catholic Church.  The picture to the left is from Bernie’s post of Monsignor Steenson’s recent visit to Henrietta for the newly ordained Fr. Cornelius’ first Mass.  Formation of the Anglican Ordinariate is work that continued from Cardinal Ratzinger’s years as Prefect of the Congregation for the Faith.  Zenit reports Monsignor Steenson’s words:

“We members of the Ordinariate are in a particular way the spiritual children of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.”  He said that hearts are saddened with the news of the resignation, ‘but there is a deeper joy knowing that we are the fruit of his vision for Catholic unity.'”

“And we will pray and work diligently so that his labors in the vineyard might continue to bring forth a fruitful harvest,” Monsignor Steenson added.

Monsignor Keith Newton, ordinary of the England-based ordinariate, called Benedict XVI’s pontificate an “astonishing moment in the life of the Church…. He has exercised his pontificate with gentle wisdom and deep humility and will be especially remembered for his clear and profound teaching …. Those of us in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham have particular reason to thank God for his pontificate, as he opened the way for Anglicans to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church through his Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. He will forever hold a place in the hearts of those of us to whom he has been, in a particular way, a shepherd and Father.”

“Monsignor Steenson echoed those sentiments: ‘When Pope Benedict issued the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus in November 2009, he laid a permanent foundation for the Ordinariate, to be the means to reconcile Anglican groups to the Catholic Church and that this Anglican patrimony might be shared with the Catholic Church. While the Ordinariate has been a special intention of Pope Benedict, it is now firmly established in the Catholic Church and will continue to serve as an instrument for Christian unity.'”

“The ordinary added that ‘perhaps the most important thing that we can say at this time is a heart-felt thank you to Pope Benedict XVI, for giving to us this beautiful gift of communion.'”


First (Anglican Use) Mass of Fr. Cornelius

January 28th, 2013, Promulgated by Bernie

Click HERE to view clips from the first Mass of Father John D. Cornelius of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.


Father Cornelius’ first Roman Catholic Mass in the tradition of Anglican worship was celebrated by the Fellowship of Saint Alban and friends in the old Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta yesterday, January 26. John Cornelius was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church the previous day at Immaculate Conception Church in Wellsville, New York (Diocese of Buffalo).

The Anglican Use Mass was approved by Pope Benedict XVI especially for those former traditional Anglicans and Episcopalians who wish to reconcile with the Catholic Church but desire to worship according to the their previous tradition. Any Roman Catholic, however, may attend the Anglican Use Mass and receive the Eucharist; there are no restrictions other than the communicant must be a Roman Catholic and in a state of grace as well as having observed a fast for at least one hour before receiving.

The Anglican Use Mass will be celebrated every Sunday at 3 P.M. beginning Sunday February 10. (Evensong will be celebrated February 3 as Father Cornelius will be unavailable.)

It is best to check the Fellowship’s website if you decide to attend Mass some Sunday: Website Link


No Ordinary Year for the U.S. Anglican Ordinariate

January 10th, 2013, Promulgated by Bernie
Good Shepherd church, Henrietta

Local Ordinariate’s Fellowship of Saint Alban worships in the old Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta.

The local church of the Ordinariate in Rochester is the Fellowship of Saint Alban located at the Church of the Good Shepherd (Saint Marianne Cope Parish) in Henrietta. (Map)

WASHINGTON — When Father Scott Hurd, vicar general of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter — a home in the Catholic Church for former Episcopalians and Traditional Anglicans — reflects back on 2012, he points to a period of rapid and exciting growth marking its first year of existence.

On New Year’s Day 2012, Pope Benedict XVI erected the Ordinariate, which allows former Anglicans to retain certain treasured traditions within the Catholic Church. It was created in accord with Anglicanorum Coetibus, the Pope’s apostolic constitution permitting former Anglicans to come into the Church corporately instead of as individuals…

…Newspapers have since featured stories of former Episcopal churches being received into the Catholic Church as groups in beautiful Masses that included Vatican-approved prayers that they had long cherished from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, a landmark of the English language…

…As of late December, the Ordinariate included 1,600 laypeople, 28 priests and 36 communities. There are 69 additional applications from men who hope to become Catholic priests of the Ordinariate…

Read the whole article HERE.

Mutual Enrichment, Anglican Patrimony, and the Ordinariate

December 27th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

An article by Matthew Alderman I ran across this morning on the New Liturgical Movement website:

Fr. Bartus, an avid reader of The New Liturgical Movement, sends along this item:

“Fr. Andrew Bartus, ordained in July as a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, has received an ordination gift of a set of exquisite white-and-gold Spanish-style vestments. Designed and gifted by Garry South, of Los Angeles, whose hobby for more than 25 years has been designing traditional vestments, the chasuble is modeled on the shape and ornamentation of a 19th century Spanish set.

“The set will be inaugurated at the Christmas Mass at Blessed John Henry Newman Catholic Church in Santa Ana, California, Fr. Bartus’s Ordinariate congregation that worships using the Anglican Use texts approved by the Vatican for former Anglicans that are received into the Catholic Church.

“South’s interest in vestment design was sparked when he converted from the Evangelical and Pentecostal tradition of his youth to the Episcopal Church, and lived for several years in…   

Read the full article here. And, see more pictures!

No Evensong This Sunday

December 12th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

The Fellowship of Saint Alban will not be praying Evensong this coming Sunday, December 16. Some in the Fellowship will be traveling north to Canada for events of the Ordinariate being held in Toronto.

Evensong, in the Anglican tradition, will resume the following Sunday, December 23, at 3 P.M.

Deacon Cornelius has a radio series

December 9th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

Previous posts concerning the Fellowship of Saint Alban: Here and Here

Deacon John Cornelius, the leader of the Fellowship of Saint Alban of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (former Traditional Anglicans, now Roman Catholics), is now on radio station WLEA/WCKR offering a series of 15 minute sermons entitled Magnify the Lord. The series interlaces preaching with Marian hymns and anthems.

Here is a link to a page on the Fellowship’s website from which you can download the audio file of the first sermon which discusses the Immaculate Conception.

The Fellowship worships in the Anglican tradition at the Church of the Good Shepherd (Saint Marianne Cope Parish) in Henrietta on Sundays at 3 P.M.. Between now and January 26th the worship consists of Evensong but after Deacon Cornelius’s  priestly ordination on January 26, the Fellowship will worship with the Anglican Use (Roman Catholic) Mass. All Catholics may participate in both Evensong and the Anglican Use Mass. Keep in mind that you can fulfill your Sunday ‘obligation’ to attend Mass by attending the Anglican Use Mass –beginning January 27.

St. Alban’s John Cornelius Ordained a Deacon

November 25th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

Previously on the Anglican Use Mass and Fellowship of St. Alban’s.

John Cornelius, the leader of the recently established St. Alban’s Fellowship of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, was ordained a deacon of the Roman Catholic Church November 17 in Wellsville (Church of the Immaculate Conception) by the Most Rev. Edward M. Grosz, D.D., auxiliary bishop of Buffalo. Deacon Cornelius ministers in Allegany county but also acts as the administrator of the Fellowship of St. Alban’s which worships using the Anglican Use Liturgy at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta (Saint Marianne Cope Parish).

Deacon Cornelius is a former Episcopalian priest. The Fellowship consists of former Traditional Anglican Church members who have become Roman Catholics but are allowed to continue using  –according to the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus—  the liturgical ceremonials from their beautifully rich Anglican tradition.

Deacon Cornelius will be ordained a Roman Catholic priest on January 16, 2013, in Wellsville, and will offer his first Mass for the Fellowship the next day at the (from-then-on) weekly Anglican Use Mass at 3 P.M. at The Church of the Good Shepherd on East Henrietta Road (location). Until then, the members of the Fellowship celebrate Evensong, with Deacon Cornelius presiding, every Sunday at 3 P.M. at the Church.

More on this story here.

More pictures of the Ordination here.

Fellowship of St. Alban’s website here.

Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter website here

Crossing the Tiber in the Genesee Valley

October 29th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

Website for The Fellowship of Saint Alban

(The pictures for this post are very low resolution because they are single frames taken from video clips. A camera that is not a true digital video camera was used to make the clips so please forgive the roughness of the images. As usual, click on the images to see a slightly better picture.)

Some former Episcopalians –but most recently from the Traditional Anglican Communion– have crossed the Tiber River (joining the Roman Catholic Church) and have established a community in the Rochester area. Dr. K of Cleansing Fire posted a story previously about this community (see here).

Fr. Scott Hurd, Vicar General of the Personal Ordinariate, celebrated the Eucharist at the Confirmation Mass October 21 in Henrietta.

Fr. Hurd reads the Gospel at the Confirmation Mass, October 21.

The community is called the Fellowship of Saint Alban and consists of mostly folks from the Traditional Anglican Communion who have reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church and are allowed to continue worshiping according to traditional Anglican ceremonial. The Fellowship of Saint Alban is under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and is part of the policy established by Pope Benedict XVI in Anglicanorum Coetibus.

There are some friends of the Fellowship who are Anglican. They are welcome to worship with the Saint Alban community but are unable to receive the sacraments without formally joining the Catholic Church.

The Ordinariate’s Vicar General delivers the sermon at the October 21 Mass.

The procession of the Book of the Gospels to the center of the nave.

The fellowship held its first Anglican Use Mass on Sunday, October 21 at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta (location here). During the Mass six members were confirmed and received into the Roman Catholic Church. The eventual ‘administrator’ -the group is too small so far to form a parish- will be John Cornelius, a former Episcopal priest of many years. He is presently the groups ‘leader’ and will be ordained a Catholic priest January 26, 2013, in Wellsville, NY (Buffalo Diocese).

The confirmation of Christopher Bayer.

Andrew Jordan (he was confirmed at the Mass) is the one who seems to have provided the lay leadership to make this happen although he is quick to mention that nothing would have materialized without the patience and faithfulness of the other members of the Fellowship. With the help of Rev. Daniel Condon, Chancellor and Director, Legal Services, Rochester Catholic Diocese, he approached the Diocese in 2010 about beginning a local community in light of  Anglicanorum Coetibus.  Many in the group had wanted to pursue establishing a local group since 2009 when the Apostolic Constitution was first announced. The delay in creating the Fellowship was due to the fact that the Holy See did not create the United States Ordinariate until January of 2012. All along the Rochester Catholic Diocese has been receptive.

“The Diocese of Rochester has been truly wonderful to us, and we are deeply grateful for their help, and welcome. In particular, Fr. Daniel Condon has been unfailingly kind through this long process. Fr. Joseph Hart has also been a great help to us. This would not have happened without them, and the hospitality of Good Shepherd church in the parish of St. Marianne Cope,” Jordan said.

The Fellowship of Saint Alban is the only such group in New York State so far. Many similar groups in the United States and Canada are still waiting to be received into the Ordinariate.

Andrew Jordan served as the Thurifer for the Confirmation Mass.

The priest is incensed at the preparation of the gifts.

Incensing the faithful after the preparation of the gifts.

John Cornelius welcomes Fr. Hurd to the Fellowship’s Confirmation Mass, October 21.

The Anglican Use Mass looks and feels very much like the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) except it is usually completely in traditional or ‘hieratic’ English; Latin, however, is possible for the Canon and Greek for the Kyrie. The congregational hymns are traditional classical hymns. Jordan expects the Fellowship to eventually use some Gregorian chant as well as Anglican chant.

Helen Scott, confirmed during the Mass, receives the Precious Blood at the Communion of the Faithful.

The Elevation of the Precious Blood of Christ at the Consecration.

Until January 26 when John Cornelius will be ordained, the Fellowship is meeting at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta for Evensong at 3 p.m. every Sunday. The group extends a warm invitation to their fellow Catholics to join them for the Sunday afternoon Anglican heritage version of Vespers.

Starting January 27 the Fellowship will offer the Anglican Use Mass, also at Good Shepherd and also at 3 p.m. every Sunday. Good Shepherd (the older building on East Henrietta Road, facing the road) will be the Fellowship’s home. Many Catholics, especially to the south of the city in places like Henrietta, Rush, and Pittsford may want to experience the Anglican Use Massfor something different and, yet, the same.

A social was held after the Confirmation Mass.

You can see video excerpts from the Confirmation Mass of the local community on October 21 on the Fellowship’s website. The group is small and just getting underway and so the Liturgy and its environment are not quite as richly elaborated as we associate with Anglican worship. “We have plans,” Jordan says.

The Catholic Courier will be including a story on the Fellowship in one of its upcoming issues.

Take a Sunday and visit the Fellowship for Evensong, 3:00 p.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 3318 East Henrietta Rd. (14467). Then participate in an Anglican Use Mass there (same time) after January 26, 2013.

I appreciate Andrew Jordan taking the time to explain everything to me and for proofing and correcting the content of this post.


(see here).