Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Posts Tagged ‘Abuse-Sexual’

Cardinal Roger Mahony Suspended for Abuse Cover-Up

February 1st, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K

The man responsible for the spiritual rape of thousands of innocent Catholics in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has been effectively suspended by the present ordinary for years of sexual abuse cover-up. Today it was announced that Abp. Jose Gomez has suspended Card. Roger Mahony from participating in any further administrative or public Church duties. According to information provided by the archdiocese, Card. Mahony and Bp. Thomas Curry (LA auxiliary and vicar for clergy) exchanged memos in the mid-1980s detailing strategies on how to impede police investigations of abusive priests. This is probably the most detailed and direct evidence made available to date concerning episcopal cover-up of abusive priests.

Abp. Gomez released a statement which contains:

Effective immediately, I have informed Cardinal Mahony that he will no longer have any administrative or public duties. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry has also publicly apologized for his decisions while serving as Vicar for Clergy. I have accepted his request to be relieved of his responsibility as the Regional Bishop of Santa Barbara.

gomez statement

Click above to enlarge

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has released 12,000 pages of files on a shocking 124 priests alleged to have sexually abused minors. This information is available here:

What follows is a damning piece of cover-up evidence. Auxiliary Bp. Curry, in a memo to Card. Mahony, discourages an abusive priest from going to a therapist because he might divulge past incidents of sexual abuse. Additionally, the two discuss plans to shuffle this priest on to another assignment.

Cardinal Mahony writes at the bottom of the memo: “Sounds good — please proceed!! Thanks! +RMM”

coverup letter

Click above to enlarge

This scandal in Los Angeles in sickening. I applaud Abp. Gomez for making this public and disciplining Card. Mahony and Bp. Curry. I also applaud him for apologizing on behalf of those who committed this grievous sin. May the next step be the defrocking by our Holy Father of all involved, including the Cardinal.

Please pray for victims of sexual abuse.

mahony and his liturgical dancers

Threat to Seal of Confession

July 19th, 2011, Promulgated by Hopefull

LifeSite News is carrying the detail on the pressure being exerted in Ireland to pass legislation which would require a priest to break the seal of confession regarding child abuse.  A 5-year prison sentence is threatened for non-compliance.  Some priests have announced they will refuse to comply.  Are we really that far away from a similar attack in the U.S.?  I wonder.  Here is the link to the story:

Why Not All Priests Should Be Treated Equally

April 26th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

From the National Catholic Register,

by Joan Frawley Desmond 04/25/2011

PHILADELPHIA — Cardinal Justin Rigali ordered the suspension of 26 priests following a grand jury report that criticized the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for allowing priests with “credible” allegations of abuse to remain in active ministry.

Peter Kleponis and Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, mental-health experts with extensive clinical experience in the evaluation of priests “rightly” and “falsely” accused of sexual abuse, protested the mass suspension.

Read more.



Fr. Kennedy: Church has no teaching on sinfulness of pedophilia

March 17th, 2011, Promulgated by Mike

Matt Abbott, over at, has picked up on some information I have been aware of for a while now.

Father Robert Kennedy of the Diocese of Rochester, who’s presently in public ministry and presumably a priest “in good standing” [click here], wouldn’t say that pedophilia is a sin and said the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality, according to a book by Paul Likoudis, news editor of The Wanderer, a Catholic newspaper.

Likoudis’ book, AmChurch Comes Out: The U.S. Bishops, Pedophile Scandals and the Homosexual Agenda, released in 2002, is still timely and contains a wealth of information.

The following excerpt comes from the chapter titled “Bishop Matthew Clark and Gay Activism”:

‘Among the facilitators at the October 26, 1996 ‘Day of Reflection’ was Father Robert Kennedy, assistant professor of Liturgical Studies and Coordinator of Student Formation at St. Bernard’s Institute, who, at the time, ‘has been in ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics for 15 years.’

‘At a talk he gave earlier in March that year, reported extensively in The Wanderer of April 18, 1996, Father Kennedy taught not only that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality — he said the Church has no teaching on pedophilia.

‘Scriptural passages which ‘fundamentalists’ interpret as condemning homosexual acts, he said, must be re-interpreted in terms of the cultural beliefs of the time, and are no more binding than ritual prescriptions which bar the eating of shellfish or the wearing of clothing made of two or more different fabrics.

‘At the end of his talk, during the question and answer period, one of the audience asked Kennedy if pedophilia were a sin, and Kennedy responded that he didn’t know of any Church teaching on the subject.’ [pp. 102 and 103] [Abbott is in error here; this quote, while accurate, is actually found on page 62.]

Now, technically speaking, the Catechism of the Catholic Church doesn’t mention the word “pedophilia,” but please! How about paragraph number 2389 of the Catechism? Given the context of what Father Kennedy was talking about and the fact he was attempting to justify homosexual behavior, one could easily conclude by his response to the audience member that the Church somehow tacitly approves of adults having sex with children. (I can just hear the chorus of Catholic-bashers now.)

Again, Father Kennedy reportedly made those remarks in 1996, several years prior to when the clergy abuse scandal first “exploded” in the news. I’ve seen or heard nothing that he’s since publicly retracted them. However, I’ll bet anyone a dollar that, if asked the same question on pedophilia today, he’d have a different response.

Of course, should Father Kennedy e-mail me a clarification saying that he fully supports and promotes the Church’s magisterial teachings on sexual morality, I’ll gladly print it.

Also of note: In 2004, Father Kennedy was one of 35 priests of the Diocese of Rochester who joined 23 priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago in signing a letter protesting “the use of violent and abusive language directed at” homosexual persons by “the Vatican, bishops’ conferences and individual bishops.” (Source) Given that the Diocese of Rochester has been a cesspool of heterodoxy and moral corruption for years, this isn’t at all surprising.

A few bad apples? More like someone poisoned the orchard.

(For those interested in purchasing a copy of AmChurch Comes Out, please e-mail me for the ordering information.)

It would seem that Abbott is currently reading his way through AmChurch Comes Out, as the chapter he quotes from  (“Bishop Matthew Clark and Gay Activism”) is but the first of three consecutive chapters spanning some 50 pages and touching on what he terms the “cesspool of heterodoxy and moral corruption” in the Diocese of Rochester.  In the following chapter, “Always Our Children: Bishops Acting Up,” Likoudis both details the history behind the release of “Always Our Children: A Pastoral Message to Parents of Homosexual Children and Suggestions for Pastoral Ministers” and presents a strong critique of its underlying theology.  The chapter also details many of the activities then taking place in DOR in what can only be seen as an attempt to encourage parishioners to be more welcoming of practicing homosexuals and more accepting of their lifestyle.

The third chapter in this trilogy, “Brainstorming In Rochester: Pushing The Gay Agenda In Schools & Parishes,” takes a long look at the 1998 meeting of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries which convened in Rochester. Here we once again run into Fr. Kennedy as Likoudis offers his assessment of the conference (page 99),

Even though there were no ground-breaking, creative or original thoughts expressed at this NACDLGM conference, this Rochester meeting was highly significant in several respects:

  • It showed that “queer theology” has reached its completion as a composite of psycho-babble and pseudo-theology, cemented by the language of dissent.
  • It showed the anti-apostolic spirit of homosexual activists who, despite their aged, enervated, debilitated and often sick appearance, are determined to be missionaries for a “queer church” — and have the support of at least 58 bishops.
  • It provided irrefutable evidence of how the pontificate of John Paul II has been rejected by Bishop Matthew Clark and his top theologians, starkly illustrated by Rochester priest Robert Kennedy’s lament the Church needs to develop a “biblical theology of creation… about what our sexuality means” — apparently unaware Pope John Paul II began his pontificate with a most comprehensive commentary on Genesis and the theology of the body and the meaning of sexuality.
  • It demonstrated that Clark’s chancery apparat — his top officials — are determined to deceive Catholics about Church teaching, exemplified by the “pastoral” advice Sister Kay Heverin, SSJ, “pastoral associate” at St. Mary’s Church gave one conference participant: “To be faithful to your conscience, you need to break the [Church’s] law.”
  • It illustrated the consequences of 20 years of institutionalized dissent, and the nasty intolerance for authoritative Church teaching by some of Rochester’s most prominent priests, religious and laity.
  • It proved homosexual activists working in Church structures are rabid in their determination to impose their ideology on parishes and schools, as Rochester Catholic Libby Ford — a partnered-lesbian and artificially-inseminated mother — showed when she exhorted her peers with children in Catholic schools or religion programs to insist children receive “no negative messages” about homosexuality — in effect, making children shills for the gay rights movement in the Church.

Five pages later, after describing addresses by two featured out-of-town speakers, Likoudis gets to three local presenters in a section entitled “Clark’s in-house wrecking crew.”

Among the line-up of speakers at this NACDLGM conference were three men who exemplify and epitomize the advance of the homosexual agenda in the Diocese of Rochester: Ex-priest Marvin Mich, on sabbatical from his position as professor of moral theology at St. Bernard’s Institute (Clark’s theologate); Fr. Robert J. Kennedy, professor of liturgy at St. Bernard’s Institute, and Monroe County Family Court Judge Anthony Sciolino.

Though not “plenary” speakers, Mich, Sciolino and Kennedy are three of Clark’s biggest guns in blasting away at both Church teaching and ordinary Catholic family life in the Diocese of Rochester.

Likoudis reports extensively on all three speeches but, as I am getting a little nauseous wading through all this garbage, you will have to contact Matt Abbott and pick up your own copy of the book to read the details.

The high cost of Psychobabble

November 27th, 2010, Promulgated by Mike

A non-Catholic has taken on the psychobabble industry in the current issue of The New Oxford Review.

Cal Samra is a former Associated Press and newspaper reporter who served for five years as the lay executive director and newsletter editor of a psychiatric-research foundation. He is currently the editor and publisher of The Joyful Noiseletter, an award-winning Christian humor newsletter.

Samra’s opening paragraphs follow, with my emphasis

The secular press has been in full hue and cry over the clerical sex-abuse scandal in the U.S. and Europe. Many of their criticisms of the Catholic hierarchy’s mismanagement of the situation — transferring pederast and pedophile priests from parish to parish and covering up their crimes — are valid. But, to my knowledge, not a single journalist in either the secular or religious press has had the courage or the objectivity to question and investigate the high-priced psychiatrists and mental-health “experts” who supposedly screened these priests before seminary and before ordination, and who treated them after their crimes and acted as counselors to the bishops who shuffled them around. These so-called experts were the sophisticated folks who devised psychological tests to screen seminary candidates and candidates for ordination — tests that obviously failed. They were the experts who treated pederast and pedophile priests at great cost, pronounced them “cured,” and recommended to the bishops that they be reassigned to another church, where, it was discovered, they were in fact not cured. The psychiatrists simply failed the bishops and took a lot of money but none of the blame. The biggest mistake the bishops made was allowing themselves to be duped by the culture of psychobabble fostered by the news media and Hollywood — which have given uncritical support of psychiatry for decades — and believing the myth that psychiatry is a science.

It’s not as if the Catholic bishops were not forewarned. Many eminent Catholic and Protestant writers, including G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Malcolm Muggeridge, and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, have challenged and criticized the essentially secular psychiatric establishment for decades. Furthermore, writers of all religious persuasions have expressed concerns about how psychiatry and psychopharmacology were used by Nazis and communists as instruments of state control.

It’s high time someone confronted the “experts” who screened and treated pederast and pedophile priests and asked them some hard questions, such as: What is your view of sexuality? Do you believe that pederasty is sinful? What is your view of religion? Are you a practicing believer, and do you believe that faith has an important role in the healing process?

Much more here.