Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Posts Tagged ‘Abuse-Liturgical’

Another thing I love about the Latin Mass….

April 9th, 2015, Promulgated by Diane Harris

I do love the Latin Mass for many reasons, and one reason has nothing to do with the language: it is how Communion is received.  It isn’t just a matter of receiving on the tongue instead of in the hand.  One of the things I have come to really love about the Latin Mass, with everyone receiving on the tongue, is that I no longer see those horrible Eucharistic abuses.  I no longer wonder if I should run after someone who just put a host in his pocket, when I have just received myself and fear being disrespectful to the Lord whom I now tabernacle.  I don’t see someone chewing gum on the line for Communion.    There is no chalice to receive in hand and realize the outside of the cup is wet.  And I don’t see so-called Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (still called EEM’s in some places) trying to give blessings, dropping hosts, or allowing intinction or other abuses.  Such abuses no longer disturb my moment of receiving God Himself.  And I love receiving at an altar rail, because I can fully concentrate on that moment when the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ is laid on my tongue, without trying to get out of line quickly to make room for the next person.

I thought I could simply excerpt a few sentences from a homily given by Fr. Heilman in 2014, and which has been reprinted several other places since.   But so much of it is of value that it is difficult to delete anything,  so please do read the  whole homily. Here is a bit to whet your appetite, further revised from my original posting for the sake of brevity.

The Truth About Communion in the Hand While Standing

by Fr. Richard Heilman 

Fr. Richard Heilman

Fr. Richard Heilman

“On May 28, 1969 the Congregation for Divine Worship issued Memoriale Domini, which concluded: “From the responses received, it is thus clear that by far the greater number of bishops feel that the present discipline [i.e., Holy Communion on the tongue] should not be changed at all, indeed that if it were changed, this would be offensive to the sensibility and spiritual appreciation of these bishops and of most of the faithful.” 

“[….] the pope would not authorize Communion in the hand. He was, however, open to bestowing an indult – an exception to the law – under certain conditions … the Holy See set down seven regulations concerning communion in the hand; failure to maintain these regulations could result in the loss of the indult.”

Fr. Heilman sets forth in exquisite detail the machinations of Archbishop Joseph Bernardin and the NCCB to produce a 2/3 vote among U.S. Bishops for receiving in the hand.  That section is worthwhile reading just for validation that Machiavellian techniques are not obsolete, even in the Church or in US elections, where absentee ballots sometimes win the day. The author understandably reaches the conclusion that some of Pope Paul VI’s conditions were not achieved, at least in the US.  He notes three in particular:

1) Respecting the laity who continue the traditional practice:  “Reports are now widespread of priests refusing Communion to those who wish to receive kneeling and on the tongue. Even reports of priests berating people for this.” 

2) Maintaining the laity’s proper respect of the Eucharist.  The author cites e.g. a deacon’s experience with a number of ‘lack of respect’ situations.  “The Vatican does not allow communion in the hand … one reason is because tourists were taking the Holy Eucharist home as a souvenir of their trip to Rome.”

3) Strengthening the laity’s faith in the Real Presence:  “In 1950, 87% believed in the Real Presence. Today, that number has plummeted to a mere 34%. The abusive and hurried manner in which the practice of Communion in the hand was imposed after Vatican II lead to a widespread lack of reverence for the Eucharist …

Fr. Heilman offers a fascinating quote from Pope Benedict, regarding kneeling and its importance. (more…)

Peeking in the Closet — a SINKing feeling

June 20th, 2014, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Yes, pun intended!  Of course!  But it is a very serious matter, about very serious matter.  The subject is Sacraria.  To serve those who prefer shorter posts, there is an abstract  on this main page, but click “Read the rest…” at the end to read the detailed post.  (Trying to be a little more “user friendly.”)   This post probably could be written about many dioceses, but it can only cover what is known, i.e. the local church, but there is nothing to be gained by “naming names;” hopefully anyone who responds will not “name names” either….

sacrariaThe “closet is the one under the sink in the Sacristy ….  There are sinks, and there are Sacraria ….  A Sacrarium may look like a sink, even be covered, to distinguish it from other sinks.  …. It is reserved for use in conjunction with the Sacred Species.  The main difference from a sink is a Sacrarium flows through a straight pipe, directly into the earth beneath the Church, never into a trap, never into a common drain or into — God forbid! — the sewer.  It is difficult to separate Sacraria issues from abuses caused by poor or no training, especially of EEM’s. But there are a few principles:

1) Christ’s Body and Blood are not to be poured down a Sacrarium to “dispose” of them.   Extra Precious Blood is consumed, …. Consecrated hosts are returned to the Tabernacle….   A pastor’s protection of the Eucharist is among his primary duties, including training  those handling the Eucharist….  If speaking to the pastor about abuses is without result, then Bishop Matano should be notified.  It is the least we can do for the Lord.

2) With the bishop’s permission, an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister (EEM) may consume the excess Precious Blood.…  It does not follow that the EEM may tell communicants to “finish it off” ….  The abuse of calling Precious Blood “wine” is widespread.  …. The situation is complicated by the generous willingness of well-meaning parishioners to “help out,” people who have had no training at all, and even feel free to change the words by which they present the Body or Blood of Christ to the communicant!  Other abuses include …. (click “Read the rest…” below).  …. Inappropriate use of a Sacrarium  (or non-Sacrarium!) should not be one more abuse.

Indult expired:  From 2002 to 2006 there was an “indult” in the United States for … EEM’s to purify the Sacred Vessels after Mass.  I have done so myself, under that indult.  When Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope he refused to renew the indult….  The expiration of the indult was clarified in 2006 but is still problematic ….  Profound respect and care for the Eucharist demands such careful treatment.

Lest we consider that the Church herself is less than serious, and that pouring Precious Blood into the sewer is less than a heinous offense, consider an excerpt from Canon 1367:  “One who throws away the consecrated species … incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; a cleric, moreover, may be punished with some other penalty, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state.”

What is the obligation of clerics who see EEM’s cleansing Sacred Vessels  (as if the indult were not expired), or pouring that rinse water into a sink?  Anyone directed to use the Sacrarium has the right (and arguably the obligation) to peer into the closet beneath the Sacristy sink(s) to assure there is at least the appearance of a Sacrarium,… with no trap which would cause the Sacred Species to be in such an inauspicious position, and no connection to … a common sink.    I get a “sinking” feeling when I see plumbing diametrically opposed to the concept of a Sacrarium in some of our “best churches.”

I stopped being an EEM when, in spite of the expired indult, I was frequently left with sacred vessels to purify/cleanse.   I was assured it was not my sin to do what needed to be done in respect for the Eucharist, but rather the responsibility of the priest.  I found in my best conscience that it didn’t seem right to participate.   And, so, as St. Paul says in Philippians 2:12, we work out our “own salvation with fear and trembling.”  It is a good attitude for being an EEM.  It is a good attitude for not being an EEM. (more…)

Two women giving the homily at St. Ambrose in Rochester, NY

January 6th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

From a friend on facebook:

Two women giving the homily at St. Ambrose in Rochester, NY (don’t know if they’re nuns or lay. Don’t know who they are). Ben Anderson, might be of interest to you, bro.

Told her to say “Cheese”

Why am I not OK with non-ordained homilists? Because I’m not a protestant.

I’d like to add another resolution for Bishop Cunningham to Diane’s list.

  • Your excellency, please stay tuned to this channel specifically designed for you. (dovetailing off of DrK’s third bullet here.)

Valid Matter ?

February 15th, 2012, Promulgated by Monk

I came across this photo on the St. Mary’s (downtown) website. What is this priest consecrating? It sure doesn’t look like unleavened bread to me. Apparently, they have a entire group of volunteers that bake bread each week for Mass. Does anyone know if the Eucharist at St. Mary’s is valid matter?  Their website states that their “celebrations are grounded in the spirit of Vatican II.”  This image may be in the spirit of something but certainly not Vatican II. Are these children being spiritually abused? Very disturbing.

Mass at St. Mary’s Downtown Rochester