Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

247 Years Ago

April 18th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Two hundred forty-seven years ago, April 19, 1775 to be exact, Concord Bridge was the site of the Shot Heard Round the World! It was a shot for freedom, and the catalyst to begin the Revolutionary War. How ironic it is that in our very years there should again be a shot heard around the world,  a ‘jab’ as some might call it, threatening our own freedom with lock-downs, masks and penalties, putting heroes on the ‘firing line’ in a different way, i.e. being ‘fired’ from jobs for refusing to take the hit, for exercising hard-won rights for which others have often surrendered their lives. It is a sad evolution of the shot for freedom into no real freedom from the shot. It took farmers then, and truckers now, to demonstrate  that we inherited something worth protecting, the right to follow our consciences, a right that comes from God, not from collusion of government, medical, tech, media and finance.


See the source image


He is Risen as He said!

April 17th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

“The Resurrection” by Pieter Lastman (Dutch, 1612)
The J. Paul Getty Museum; Oil on oak panel

Apb. Vigano has finally said the words …

April 8th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Abp. Viganò: The Church needs an ‘official investigation’ of Benedict’s resignation – LifeSite (


What is the date of Christ’s death?

March 30th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Cleansing Fire – April 3rd, 33AD at 3PM, Christ died

9 days after the Feast of the Annunciation.

7 Clues Tell Us *Precisely* When Jesus Died (the Year, Month, Day, and Hour Revealed)| National Catholic Register (


Pope Francis to consecrate Russia to Blessed Virgin Mary 3/25

March 15th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25 – LifeSite (

What the consecration of Russia will mean for the world – LifeSite (

Consecration is expected to occur at noon in NY (5:00 PM in Rome)

The Station of the Cross is sending the following invitation:


Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 


“Join us on Friday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, for the Celebration of Penance and the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Station of the Cross will air this program live at 12 noon Eastern [Daylight Savings Time]  on all of our stations:

Boston, MA – 1060 AM

Buffalo, NY – 101.7 FM

Elmira, NY – 88.1 FM

Erie, PA/NE Ohio – 92.1 FM/89.5 FM

Fredonia, NY – 88.5 FM

Lancaster, NY – 90.7 FM

Oil City, PA – 88.3 FM

Olean, NY – 100.5 FM

Owego, NY – 91.9 FM

Rochester, NY – 1460 AM/92.9 FM/99.3 FM

Salamanca, NY – 1590 AM

Southbridge, MA – 970 AM

Syracuse, NY – 88.7 FM

Worcester, MA – 1230 AM


You can also listen anywhere in the world via livestream by downloading our iCatholicRadio app or by visiting


In a letter to all bishops, Pope Francis said, “I ask you to join in this act by inviting the priests, religious, and faithful to assemble in their churches and places of prayer on March 25, so that God’s Holy People may raise a heartfelt and choral plea to Mary our Mother.”





From the pen of Abp. Carlo Vigano

March 7th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Now we have surprise input from the pen of one of the Church’s most respected leaders. We might even rephrase the title as: “Can we give up hating long enough to analyze his strategic argument?” Long enough to be grateful that we have someone who seeks us out to teach in an age where so many bishops are running away from their responsibilities, leaving their sheep to graze the media hillside in disorder and fear?

Looking beyond the globalist propaganda


Hello Diane Harris,

I am sending you now a document which I consider particularly relevant for the United States: it’s the English translation of my original Italian statement on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.
It is urgent and necessary that American people would understand that the Russian Federation is not any more the Soviet Union and President Putin is not a Communist dictator.

In the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, we must clearly recognize and denounce the coup d’état of the deep state worldwide, functional to installing the New World Order, involving the WEF, NATO, UN, the European Union, the IMF…

In some points of my document, I also touched on issues concerning the Biden family scandals and the great responsibilities of the American deep state.

There is a real risk that the Biden Administration will take advantage of this crisis, of which Joe Biden himself is an accomplice and responsible. There is also a real risk that it will serve to cover up his crimes, those of his son Hunter, the China virus pseudopandemic, the Durham investigation, the 2020 electoral fraud, as well as jeopardizing the mid-term elections.

It cannot be overlooked that the pre-eminent intent of the architects of the New World Order is the destruction of the Christian civilization and that Russia is currently the only country in Europe capable of facing this diabolic plan.

I hope that you will be able to help spread this statement of mine, in the hope that it may contribute to the truth, which is the foundation of justice and peace.

God bless you!
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop


A Message from Abp. Viganò,

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S.



of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
Former Apostolic Nuncio to The United States of America
on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost with war. 

The Media Narrative
If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict. Herein lies the seriousness of the problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both of them to enable the globalist elite to carry out its criminal plan.

Read Full Article on the Remnant Website…

Declaration of Victory by Remnant

February 21st, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

A MAJOR VICTORY: Heroes and Patriots Sacrifice Everything for Freedom – YouTube

The ‘why’ in the bible . . .

February 9th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Over many years, alone and in bible studies with others, the most difficult question has always seemed  to be “Why?”  But it is also a question that can yield much fruit as we crave to know better our God. Most studies stop after the “Who, what, when, where, and how” are answered.  “Why?” always seems a bit audacious. Who are we to question the ‘why’ of the mind of God?

But there is nothing to fear in asking the “why” of God’s actions, and there are a number of verses where we, through the disciples, are invited to do so. In first grade we were taught the following exchange:

  • “Who made me?” (Answer: God made me.)
  • Then the second or third question is usually:
  • “Why did God make me?”
  • Aha! We are invited to ask “why!” And the answer embraces a 3-part ‘why’:
  • “God made me to know Him, to love Him and to Serve Him …”

In that pursuit, we inevitably stumble into asking more “why’s” on the path to knowing God more fully.

One ‘why’ which has been on my mind a lot lately is the “why” implicit in Luke 18:8b in which Christ invites His Apostles to ask themselves the question:

“Nevertheless (or ‘yet’) when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

Why did Christ ask His Apostles’ opinion on this matter? Why don’t we know how they answered? And how can we not be invited to share in contemplating that same “why?” The “Y” in the road leads us deeper into knowing, loving and serving.

I offered no answers to that question, just an invitation to comment on why this is posed as a question instead of the answer given as a teaching. We know the mission and we know the outcome (God wins; has already won!) but what will be the result of our embracing His work? Or of NOT embracing His work?  The questions are of course linked to preparation for the Second Coming.

While sorting out the recent Catechism’s “re-presentation” of the historic teaching, I was surprised to find that ‘to serve’ had disappeared from the traditional 3-part priority list. Paragraph #1’s title now proclaims “The Life of Man — to know and love God.”  Is this a restatement of “Non Serviam?” i.e. of Satan’s refusal to serve? Or just a typographical error he is exploiting?

“The Carnage Has Begun”

February 2nd, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

“The Carnage Has Begun”: British Priest Rebukes Pope, Calls on Bishops to Openly Resist Suppression of Latin Mass

Written by  Diane Montagna | Vatican Journalist

“The Carnage Has Begun”: British Priest Rebukes Pope, Calls on Bishops to Openly Resist Suppression of Latin Mass

BOMBSHELL NEW VIDEO — Priest Once Imprisoned in Burma Decries Francis’ Suppression of the Old Mass

“Sit back and consider it: the highest power on earth is attacking the greatest good on earth, precisely when it’s his job to defend and preserve tradition and to pass it on to the next generation.” – Fr. James Mawdsley

A British traditional Catholic priest who was once imprisoned and tortured in a Burmese jail is openly challenging Pope Francis’ efforts to suppress the Church’s ancient Roman liturgy.

In a 9-minute video titled “Why withstand Pope Francis publicly?” [watch it below] Father James Mawdsley, formerly a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), asserts that in his letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes, Francis “declared his intention to eradicate the traditional liturgy” and “impossibly claimed that the Novus Ordo constitutes the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.”

“Caiaphas was High Priest of the Old Covenant when he arranged for Jesus’ execution. Now shall the Vicar of Christ try to have Christ’s memorial destroyed?” he asks.

“What is happening is evil beyond description,” Father Mawdsley says. “Sit back and consider it: the highest power on earth is attacking the greatest good on earth, precisely when it’s his job to defend and preserve tradition and to pass it on to the next generation.”

Fr. Mawdsley is no stranger to challenging oppression. At the age of 27, he spent 14 months in solitary confinement in Burma’s infamous Kengtung prison and was brutally beaten for challenging the country’s regime for its human rights violations.

He also challenges Congregation for Divine Worship Prefect Archbishop Arthur Roche’s claim in a recent interview with Catholic News Service that “the negative reaction to Traditionis Custodes has been very little,” saying to the archbishop, “What do you expect when a reign of terror is unleashed?

“Of course, people are keeping their heads down,” he continues. “Many clerics do not say openly what they think because they are afraid of vicious reprisals” such as confirmations or baptisms being “banned” in the Old Rite, or being told they can no longer celebrate the traditional Mass.

“The carnage,” he says, “has begun.”

No Stranger to Oppression

Fr. Mawdsley is no stranger to challenging oppression. At the age of 27, he spent 14 months in solitary confinement in Burma’s infamous Kengtung prison and was brutally beaten for challenging the country’s regime for its human rights violations, particularly those committed against ethnic minorities. It was also in the solitude of his prison cell that he experienced a deep conversion to Christ that would eventually culminate in a vocation to the priesthood.

Years later, reflecting on his imprisonment, Fr. Mawdsley would say: “Primarily, it was to show solidarity with the Burmese people, and particularly with the prisoners. It’s very clear when you’re willing to be alongside people in prison for their political rights, they realize they’re not forgotten by the world.”

In the new video, published on Jan. 28, Father Mawdsley says: “Truth is needed for spiritual health … It’s not enough to know it in our hearts. We need to hear it said by men in authority, from bishops and cardinals, that nobody has the right to attack tradition.”

Prelates such as Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago are “willing for the war and the slaughter to continue,” Fr. Mawdsley observes.

Addressing himself to those shepherds who wish to suppress the traditional liturgy, he says: “You may personally hate the Old Mass, but you can see that Christians love it. They love to encounter Christ there. They pray there more deeply than anywhere. Why would you take this away?”

Prelates such as Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago are “willing for the war and the slaughter to continue,” Fr. Mawdsley observes, in a reference to the cardinal’s brutal new policy for implementing Traditionis Custodes in the archdiocese. “Of all the days of the year, he chose Christmas Day to drop the axe. Who does that? Is that not sick? … He’s like another Herod.”

The former FSSP priest, who left the fraternity with the intention of speaking out, also called Archbishop Roche’s claim that most of the episcopate support efforts to suppress the traditional liturgy “unbelievable” given the reactions of bishops to Traditionis Custodes and the Responsa. “But this is precisely, bishops, why we need to hear in public what the truth is. Otherwise, the propaganda from Archbishop Roche will stand. And it’s so depressing to think that the Shepherds can’t find it in them to defend Christ, to defend the flock, to defend the faithful and to defend tradition.”

The Remnant spoke with Fr. Mawdsley about his new video:

(Diane Montagna) Fr. Mawdsley, why did you make this video?

(Fr. Mawdsley) Because if we do not speak the obvious truth then truth will die in us. Pope Francis, Archbishop Roche, Cardinal Cupich, and many other bishops are acting illegally in attempting to suffocate tradition. They are betraying the mission which Jesus gave to the Church. It would be wonderful if they were so surprised by the strength of resistance that they reconsidered and repented. But their reaction is not the priority. More important is that priests speak the truth without fear, otherwise we have nothing left. The flock is starving. And as all generations before us have passed on the Deposit of Faith, so for the sake of future generations we must not drop the ball. Or we must recover it. Without Tradition there is no future. And most importantly, for God’s glory. Those who had Tradition robbed from them in the 1950-70s did not know where it was leading. We have seen the horror, the indignity, the weakness, and inappropriateness of the Novus Ordo. In essence it is still Christ’s awesome Holy Sacrifice of Calvary; but what man has done to His Memorial is a faithless insult to God.

Let us defend the flock, let us break the jaws of the wicked and rescue the prey from their teeth.

(DM) You were ordained a priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. What is your relationship to the FSSP now?

(Fr. M) The FSSP is, I think, one of the best bodies of priests in the world. They are a great treasure in the Church. But I informed the superiors that I would leave and did not seek permission. It followed that I have been suspended a divinis for illegitimate absence. Obviously, I do not hold this against the Fraternity. They are definitively not the problem. But I will keep a distance, for there are vicious men in the hierarchy who will want to meet [mete] out reprisals on the innocent, in order to paralyze resistance.

Traditionis Custodes is built on lies, its content is incoherent, and it is aimed at the destruction of the greatest good on earth.

(DM) Did this video have anything to do with your leaving the FSSP?

(Fr. M) The videos were made after I left the Fraternity, after I was suspended. I left the Fraternity with the intention of speaking out. The reason I did not seek permission was precisely to get a distance from the Fraternity, to be suspended, so that they can in truth say they are not responsible or accountable for the things I am saying. For the same reason, after some thought, I have not approached any other order or sought to be incardinated in a diocese. It would only bring trouble to them under the current oppression. There really are vicious men in the hierarchy who will unleash reprisals if they can find a target.

The Responsa are its vomit. It is better to be suspended than to pretend this wickedness has legal value.

(DM) What message would you like to send to your brother priests in light of Pope Francis’ Traditionis Custodes and the Responsa ad dubia issued by CDW Prefect Archbishop Roche just days before Christmas?

(Fr. M) God is mighty. We only need to follow Him, no matter what cost. He does not want us to support the destruction of Judas and Caiaphas, I mean with those like Archbishop Roche and Pope Francis who are savaging the Church and casting the faithful out. We can recognize their authority without complying with abuses of it. It really does not matter what price we pay on earth, only let us live in truth, let us defend the flock, let us break the jaws of the wicked and rescue the prey from their teeth. Traditionis Custodes is built on lies, its content is incoherent, and it is aimed at the destruction of the greatest good on earth. The Responsa are its vomit. It is better to be suspended than to pretend this wickedness has legal value.

Note from Michael J. Matt

Please consider sharing this vital video message with your priest, bishop, friends, family, and social media contacts. This is no longer a question of Traditionalism vs. Modernism or Neo-Catholicism. This has become a matter of life vs. death, freedom vs. tyranny, patriotism vs. globalism, and Christianity vs. atheism.

Every priest in the world, diocesan, FSSP, SSPX, ICK, etc: Please find a way to undermine the anti-Tradition agenda of this pontificate as Father Mawdsley has done so courageously. 

You bishops who have kept the Faith: For God’s sake and the sake our nation and our children, please find a way to circumvent the evil orders coming down from the Vatican. We beg you, Your Excellencies, resist this globalist pope of the New World Order.

To the “clans” the world over: Share this urgent video message, which is also available at The Remnant’s YouTube and Rumble channels, as well as Fr. Mawdsley’s YouTube channel. Holy Mother Church needs all of her sons and daughters to stand with her as she undergoes this horrific persecution at the hands of human hirelings who have abandoned the Cross in pursuit of human respect.

Cdl. Burke criticizes Papal praise for LGBT ‘leader’

January 21st, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

‘Opinions of a man,’ not the Church: Cardinal Burke criticizes Pope Francis’ praise for LGBT group leader – LifeSite (

Featured Image
Cardinal Burke interviews on EWTN’s The World Over, January 20, 2022
The World Over Screenshot Fri Jan 21, 2022 – 11:59 am EST

(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke has openly criticized Pope Francis for his recent endorsement of the pro-LGBT group New Ways Ministry, clarifying that his words are merely the “opinions of a man” and have “nothing to do with the Magisterium of the Church.”

In a wide-ranging interview Thursday on EWTN’s The World Over, the American cardinal discussed his “miraculous” recovery from COVID-19, the attacks launched against the Traditional Latin Mass from the Vatican and high-ranking prelates, and the Pope’s letters of gratitude to pro-LGBT advocate Sr. Jeannine Gramick of the controversial New Ways Ministry.

Alongside his criticisms of Francis’ personal musings, Burke has defended the right of Catholics not to receive the COVID jabs, citing “Catholic teaching” as the basis for rejecting shot mandates while criticizing Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin for implementing a jab requirement.

He added that “forced vaccination is a violation of human rights.”

The former head of the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican’s highest court, also defended the Latin Mass, explaining that its use has “absolutely not” been a cause of disunity in the Church, and that there is nothing “in the documents of the Second Vatican Council that would lead to a banning of the traditional way, of the traditional posture or position of the priest during the celebration of the Mass.”

Regarding the Pope’s praise of the work of New Ways Ministry, Burke maintained that the position taken by previous popes and entered into the Acta Apostolicae Sedis in 1999 still stands, that Gramick’s teaching on homosexuality does “not faithfully convey the clear and constant teaching of the Catholic Church.”

Burke added that Pope Francis’ personal opinions on the matter have “have nothing to do with the Church’s teaching.”

Below follows a full transcript of the interview:

Raymond Arroyo: First of all, how are you feeling? And are you having any lingering effects from the COVID recovery?

I became ill quite suddenly and then I was very quickly put on the ventilator, but when I came out from that, I think it was on the 20th of August, and I began to read these messages and to learn about all the people who were praying for me, I was really overwhelmed with it and just filled with a profound gratitude. I have to say that when they took the tubing out and I was conscious again, that I had an immediate sense that our Blessed Mother had been taking care of me all the time, and I say this very sincerely. The doctors had informed my good sister Mary that there was really not any hope that I was going to survive this, and that she should put my things in order, and I have no question in my mind that it was all these prayers that were raised up to Our Lord and the prayers that He heard, and saved me for some work now that He has for me to do. But I had immediately that very strong sense and it has remained with me; it really was miraculous, and we should never doubt the power of prayer. But in this instance, I have experienced it in a remarkable way because I knew I was dying and I really wasn’t at all certain that I would survive. When I then gained my consciousness again, I learned about all these prayers that were offered, I understood what had happened.

In many reports of your illness you were portrayed, Your Eminence, as a vaccine denier and skeptic. Even the pope made reference to you as a denier on the papal plane returning on his trip from Slovakia in September. He said: “Even in the college of cardinals there are some deniers and one of those, poor guy, is hospitalized with the virus: the irony of life.” What did you think when you heard those comments that you were a denier and a skeptic of vaccines? Are you?

Well, no, I have never said to anyone that he or she should not be vaccinated. I have insisted that the question of having the vaccination is a personal decision, it’s an exercise of a fundamental human right, and that I’m absolutely opposed to forced vaccination, to these mandates. But I have not taken a position of being against the vaccine. On the other hand, we have only one Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ: we put ourselves in His hands, and vaccinating the whole world is not going to save the world. and that there is this kind of rhetoric today where people think that if that if everyone were vaccinated everything would be just fine; that isn’t correct thinking for a Christian.

And scientifically invalid I might add as events have proven particularly with this omicron variant. The Vatican however, Your Eminence, is currently mandating vaccines for all employees. It’s been encouraging that everyone, including children, be vaccinated. Several members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard have lost their jobs for not receiving the jab. There are no numbers of reporting on other jobs that have been lost so far, we just don’t know. Your reaction to the Vatican’s vaccine mandate especially now, when as we mentioned it’s been widely reported the vaccine’s not effective against omicron, and several European countries have now – namely England and Spain – have lifted their vaccine mandates?

The Vatican’s position on this is very severe, there’s no question about it. You cannot enter for instance the apostolic palace or other offices of the Vatican unless you can demonstrate that that you are vaccinated and this is a very severe policy. I understand – I don’t know personally but I understand – that that there are a number of people who cannot come to work because they’re not vaccinated, and of course their absence from work is classified as unjustified and therefore they aren’t paid: and also, I have heard that a number of the Swiss Guards had to leave the service of the Guards because they chose not to be vaccinated. As I said before I believe that the forced vaccination is a violation of human rights, and also there are normal precautions which can be taken with regard to the spreading of any kind of illness and those precautions should be taken; but it’s correct: there are a lot of people who have been vaccinated who now have contracted seemingly this omicron variation. To me the bottom line is that the vaccination, as it is, is an experiment. We don’t have the necessary experience with the vaccine, and so people who take the vaccine are accepting to be part of an experiment.

Yes, and as you mentioned there have even been Vatican officials who’ve now contracted COVID, many of them triple vaxxed in some cases. Tell me how this squares though with Catholic teaching because the CDF document of last year, of last December, said you can in good conscience and as a good Catholic decide not to take these vaccines, and that’s perfectly licit, but now we seem to be getting a different message, at least in word, from the Vatican, to say nothing of these mandates they’ve dropped on employees.

What the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith said is Catholic teaching. A forced vaccination of people is no part of Catholic teaching and that’s all I can say: this has never been in the Church’s teaching, in the document of the Congregation. The CDF was clear about that and I thought that it was understood. But then the Vatican itself has taken this position which really doesn’t square with that teaching and it’s causing a great deal of suffering.

Your Eminence, I want to move on to another topic: the continued support of and attacks upon the traditional Latin Mass since Pope Francis’ motu proprio “Guardians of Tradition” that was released in July. In the archdiocese of Chicago where the Latin Mass has practically been banned – Cardinal Blase Cupich issued rules last month on Christmas day that banned the use of the traditional liturgy on Christmas, Easter Sunday, and the first Sunday of each month and other holy days; now Cardinal Cupich explains his reasoning for these new rules is the following: “To foster and make manifest the unity of this local church as well as to provide all Catholics in the archdiocese an opportunity to offer a concrete manifestation of the acceptance of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and its liturgical books.” Cardinal Burke, what is the fear of the Old Rite based upon, and is the ongoing celebration of the Latin Mass a challenge in your mind to the Second Vatican Council or the liturgical books that came out of it?

Absolutely not. In many dioceses now for many years, some of the faithful have been assisting at the celebration of the Holy Mass, especially on feast days, according to the more ancient usage, the usus antiquior, the extraordinary form as it’s called today. That hasn’t been any cause of disunity. In fact I served in two dioceses and it was a great blessing to have these communities who were following those ancient rites as they’ve been handed down to us from the time of pope Gregory the Great and even before, and I don’t want to talk about them as if they’re simply antiquities, not at all! The sacred liturgy is a living reality: it’s Christ himself acting in our midst to sanctify us, and the Holy Mass in the most wonderful way possible by His renewing His sacrifice on calvary sacramentally, and then nourishing us with His own Body and Blood. And this remains the reality, so that the form of the Mass as it was set forth after the Council of Trent but as it had existed for centuries before is a living reality, and you can’t deny that. With regard to the Second Vatican Council many things that happened after the Council with regard to the sacred liturgy have no foundation whatsoever in the in the documents on the sacred liturgy, and intelligent people who have studied these matters know well that there were many abuses following the Council – the so-called spirit of the council, and the whole way in which the liturgy was reformed, the rites were reformed. So there are legitimate questions. Some of them have been addressed, some need yet to be addressed. But Pope Saint John Paul II for instance, in the last years of his pontificate, was continually insisting on the need to address the sacred liturgy and to restore the transcendence of the liturgical action: namely that it’s Jesus Christ Himself who acts in our midst, comes into our midst through the sacred liturgy. And, of course, Pope Benedict XVI was a wonderful teacher in that regard, and Summorum Pontificum, his motu proprio by which he made more accessible the celebration of the extraordinary form, as he called it, was a great gift and was proceeding in the exercise of that gift. The use of that gift was a great gift in the church. I don’t understand this. I have a lot of contact with the oratories and parishes that celebrate the extraordinary form, and with priests, and it’s all positive. They don’t think of themselves as being the real Church or better Catholics than anyone else: they simply find a tremendous spiritual nourishment through these ancient rites, the traditional form of the mass. And why should that be denied to them?

Your Eminence, a priest in the Chicago diocese asked to be allowed to use the ad orientem posture, facing the East during mass: he was denied. When he protested, he was charged with inciting disobedience against the diocesan bishop. Has the ad orientem posture been abrogated, forbidden by the Council or the Church and what does the all of that have to do with the Latin Mass?

Any mass can be celebrated facing the Lord or facing the east ad orientem versus Dominum, and in fact many people tell me, and it makes perfect sense, that it’s a very beautiful thing to have the priest at the head of the congregation offering the Mass when everyone is facing Our Lord, so this makes it clear that the sacrifice is Our Lord’s sacrifice. We worship in spirit and truth in Our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s true that that the more ancient usage was certainly to celebrate Mass facing the Lord, facing the east, but I don’t find anything in the documents of the Second Vatican Council that would lead to a banning of the traditional way, of the traditional posture or position of the priest during the celebration of the Mass; and why this is now being brought forward I don’t understand.

Your Eminence, the practical effect of this, I think people haven’t given due consideration in Rome, what I’m hearing is so many of these Catholic communities – and again these are small groups of Catholics but they’re fervent, the church is packed for these traditional Latin Masses – many of them are now going over to these Society of Saint Pius X chapels. Is the intention here on the part of some in Rome to drive those Catholics attached to this rite to the Society of Saint Pius X and then declare them all schismatics at some later date? Why create this division while talking of accompaniment?

I don’t know. I’ve been told that too, that the thinking of some is that that anyone who is attracted to the more ancient usage should simply go over to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, but that’s absolutely wrong because the more ancient usage is an integral part of the life of the Church it has been along all the centuries. Even after the introduction of the Novus Ordo, as it’s called in the more recent usage, the Church has always permitted to individuals and to groups the possibility of the use of following the more ancient usage. And so this idea that somehow if you are attracted to the usus antiquior you’re a schismatic, I mean this is simply wrong and it’s wrong to drive people in that direction. But Our Lord is with us in the Church: He told us he would remain with us always in the Church, and so we have to stay in the Church and fight to preserve and to promote and cultivate the liturgical life of the Church, also through the extraordinary form. And so I tell people we don’t have a choice. Saint Athanasius was exiled, he was excommunicated, he suffered so many humiliations for defending the truth of the faith, but he never left the Church. Padre Pio is another example more recent: he suffered a great deal at the hands of the Vatican and yet he remained faithfully in the Church, and this is what we have to do. Our lord isn’t going to permit – I know this – Our Lord is not going to permit that this beautiful gift of the more ancient usage, the beautiful gift of these rites will be lost. It’s clear that He hasn’t permitted it and since the time of the Council there’s been a continual growth and interest in the more ancient usage. I know so many lay faithful and also priests who have told me that being able to assist at the Holy Mass according to the usus antiquior has so helped them to deepen their understanding and their appreciation and their participation in the Holy Mass.

I’ve had a number of priests tell me it wasn’t until they either assisted or celebrated the old rite that they fully understood and then brought a new sacrality and devotion to the new one, because one feeds the other, it stands on the back of the other. But it is as you mentioned, Your Eminence – and I would add Mother Angelica’s name to that list of martyrs for the faith fighting and being abused by authorities at times over the liturgy, let’s face it – it is curious and bizarre to me that at the same time that the Vatican is inviting protestants and Anglicans to walk with the Roman Catholic Church in this synod, we are basically treating very faithful Catholics of a living beautiful tradition of the church as if they’re lepers and saying there’s no room for you at the inn. George Weigel called Traditionis custodes “theologically incoherent, pastorally divisive and unnecessary.” Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence is calling on the Church to support those attached to the old rite. Do you think this is going to be an ongoing struggle here, and how best to fight it?

It will be, and my counsel to people is: continue to do what you’ve been doing. This is nurturing your faith, this is nurturing your closeness to your bishop and your closeness to the whole Church, and that is the way that we can best fight this battle, and then to vindicate our rights in the Church, to make recourses when injustices are done to legitimate communities of the faithful. And, of course, there are also institutes of the consecrated life or societies of apostolic life whose particular charism is the celebration of the liturgy according to the roman rite according to the more ancient usage, and to promote that. It’s their right to do that. So I believe that there will continue to be a very strong response to the situation and God willing – and I’m sure that Our Lord will bless it – that we will return to a regular free usage of the more ancient usage of the Roman rite.

In the meantime, it’s going to be very difficult when many of these priests are not allowed to celebrate the Latin Mass in a parish setting, so I guess this goes underground like as it was in days gone by and in Communist China, I guess that’s where the whole world is now.

Your Eminence, in December pope Francis wrote a letter praising the work of sister Jeannine Gramick, the head of the very controversial New Ways Ministry, a group condemned by the Bishops’ Conference in the US and two previous pontificates. The Pope praised her work for her outreach to LGBTQ Catholics. His letter fully contradicts John Paul II and Ratzinger’s 1999 admonition against her work. What are your thoughts on this letter and the message it sends to the Church and the wider world?

Well, the church’s response to the New Ways Ministry, and at that time he was still alive, father Nugent, and sister Jeanine Gramick is found in a document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that was published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official organ of communication of the of the Church, in 1999, and you can read it there, and what’s written there is as true today as when it was written. What these personal acts of the pope are, are exactly that: these are acts that he is taking on personally, but they have nothing to do with the Church’s teaching as far as I’m concerned. What I read that was quoted in the media of the letter – or letters, I’m not sure – which is written to Sister Jeanine, these are simply the opinions of a man, but they have nothing to do with the Magisterium of the Church. That’s found very carefully set forth in that document: when a document is published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis this is very significant: it indicates to us that it is in a particular way an expression of the Church’s doctrine and discipline.
See also: Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment: Is Traditionis custodes Ultra vires? July 22 2021 Cardinal Burke wrote: (


TLM: Vigano Remembers what Francis Wants Us to Forget

January 16th, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

THE LATIN MASS: Viganò Remembers What Francis Wants Us to Forget

Written by  

THE LATIN MASS: Viganò Remembers What Francis Wants Us to Forget

Dilecta Mea — About the Holy Apostolic Mass
Viganò’s heartfelt message to priests and bishops

You who permit yourselves to prohibit the Holy Apostolic Mass, have you ever celebrated it? You who from the height of your liturgical cathedrae are piqued about the “old Mass,” have you ever meditated on its prayers, its rites, and its ancient and sacred gestures? I have asked myself this many times in the past few years: because I myself, even though I knew this Mass since I was very young; even though I had learned to serve it and respond to the celebrant when I was so little that I was still wearing boys’ knickers, I had almost forgotten it and lost it. Introibo ad altare Dei. Kneeling in winter on the ice-cold steps of the altar, before going to school. Sweating on hot summer days under my altar boy’s vestments. I had forgotten that Mass, even though it was the Mass of my ordination as a priest on 24 March 1968: an era in which one could already perceive the signs of the revolution that shortly thereafter would deprive the Church of her most precious treasure, imposing a counterfeit ritual in its place.

Well, that Mass that the conciliar reform cancelled and prohibited in my first years of Priesthood remained as a distant memory, like the smile of a distant loved one, the gaze of a missing relative, the sound of a Sunday with its bells, its friendly voices. But it was something that had to do with nostalgia, youth, the enthusiasm of an era in which ecclesiastical commitments were still to come, in which everyone wanted to believe that the world could recover from the aftermath of the Second World War and the threat of Communism with a renewed spiritual momentum. We wanted to think that economic well-being could somehow be accompanied by a moral and religious rebirth of our nation [Italy]. Despite the revolution of 1968, the occupations, terrorism, the Red Brigades, and the crisis of the Middle East. Thus, amidst the thousand ecclesiastical and diplomatic commitments, the memory of something had crystallized in my memory that in fact remained unresolved, which had been “momentarily” set aside for decades. Something that patiently waited, with the indulgence that only God uses toward us.

When I celebrate the Mass of all time, I realize in the most sublime and complete way the true significance of what doctrine teaches us… It is a love song, in which the repetition of the signs, the reverences, and the sacred words is not in any way useless, just as a mother never tires of kissing her son, or a bride never tires of saying, “I love you” to her husband.

My decision to denounce the scandals of American Prelates and the Roman Curia was the occasion that led me back to consider, under another light, not only my role as Archbishop and as Apostolic Nuncio, but also the soul of that Priesthood which service first in the Vatican and lastly in the United States had in some way left incomplete: more for my being a priest than for the Ministry. And what up until then I had not yet understood became clear to me due to an apparently unexpected circumstance, when my personal safety seemed to be in danger and I found myself, against my will, having to live almost in hiding, far from the palaces of the Curia. It was then that that blessed segregation, which today I consider as a sort of monastic choice, led me to rediscover the Holy Tridentine Mass. I recall very well the day when, instead of the chasuble, I put on the traditional vestments with the Ambrosian cappino and the maniple. I recall the fear that I felt in pronouncing, after almost fifty years, those prayers of the Missal that re-emerged from my mouth as if I had just recited them shortly before. Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus, in the place of the Psalm Judica me, Deus of the Roman Rite. Munda cor meum ac labia mea. These words were no longer the words of the altar boy or the young seminarian, but the words of the celebrant, of I who once again, I would dare say for the first time, celebrated before the Most Holy Trinity. Because while it is true that the Priest is a person who lives essentially for others – for God and for his neighbor – it is equally true that if he does not have the awareness of his own identity and has not cultivated his own holiness, his apostolate is sterile like the clanging cymbal.

I know well that these reflections can leave those who have never had the grace of celebrating the Mass of all time unmoved, or even arouse condescension. But the same thing happens, I imagine, for those who have never fallen in love and who do not understand the enthusiasm and the chaste transport of the beloved towards his beloved, or for those who do not know the joy of getting lost in her eyes. The dull Roman liturgist, the Prelate with his tailored clerical suit and his pectoral cross in his pocket, the consultor of the Roman Congregation with the latest copy of Concilium or Civiltà Cattolica in plain sight, looks at the Mass of Saint Pius V with the eyes of an entomologist (the science that studies insects), scrutinizing that pericope just as a naturalist observes the veins of a leaf or the wings of a butterfly. Indeed, I sometimes wonder if they don’t do it with the asepticity of the pathologist who cuts open a living body with a scalpel. But if a priest with a minimum of interior life approaches the ancient Mass, regardless of whether he has ever known it before or is discovering it for the first time, he is deeply moved by the composed majesty of the rite, as if he has stepped out of time and entered the eternity of God.

What I would like to make my brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood understand is that that Mass is intrinsically divine, because one perceives the sacred in a visceral way: one is literally taken up into heaven, into the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and the celestial Court, far from the clamor of the world.

What I would like to make my brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood understand is that that Mass is intrinsically divine, because one perceives the sacred in a visceral way: one is literally taken up into heaven, into the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and the celestial Court, far from the clamor of the world. It is a love song, in which the repetition of the signs, the reverences, and the sacred words is not in any way useless, just as a mother never tires of kissing her son, or a bride never tires of saying, “I love you” to her husband. Everything is forgotten there, because all that is said and sung in it is eternal, all the gestures that are performed there are perennial, outside of history, yet immersed in a continuum that unites the Cenacle, Calvary, and the altar on which the Mass is celebrated. The celebrant does not address the assembly, with the concern of being understandable or being nice or appearing to be up-to-date; rather, he addresses God: and before God there is only the sense of infinite gratitude for the privilege of being able to carry with him the prayers of the Christian people, the joys and sorrows of so many souls, the sins and shortcomings of those who implore forgiveness and mercy, gratitude for graces received, and suffrages for our dear departed. One is alone, and at the same time one feels intimately united with an endless host of souls that crosses time and space.

When I celebrate the apostolic Mass, I think of how on that same altar, consecrated by the relics of the Martyrs, so many Saints and thousands of priests, using the same words that I say, repeating the very same gestures, making the same bows and the same genuflections, wearing the same vestments. But above all, receiving Holy Communion with the same Body and Blood of Our Lord, to whom we have all been assimilated in the offering of the Holy Sacrifice. When I celebrate the Mass of all time, I realize in the most sublime and complete way the true significance of what doctrine teaches us. Acting in persona Christi is not a mechanical repetition of a formula, but the awareness that my mouth utters the same words that the Savior pronounced over the bread and wine in the Cenacle; that as I elevate the Host and Chalice to the Father, I repeat the immolation that Christ made of Himself on the Cross; that in receiving Holy Communion I consume the sacrificial Victim and feed on God Himself, and I am not participating in a party. And the entire Church is with me: the Church Triumphant which deigns to unite itself to my imploring prayer, the Church Suffering that awaits it in order to shorten souls’ stay in Purgatory, and the Church Militant that strengthens herself in the daily spiritual battle. But if, as we profess with faith, our mouth is really Christ’s mouth, if our words in the Consecration are really those of Christ, if the hands with which we touch the Sacred Host and the Chalice are Christ’s hands, what respect ought we to have for our body, keeping it pure and uncontaminated? What better incentive is there to remain in the Grace of God? Mundamini, qui fertis vasa Domini. And with the words of the Missal: Aufer a nobis, quæsumus, Domine, iniquitates nostras: ut ad sancta sanctorum puris mereamur mentibus introire.

Vigano TLM

Archbishop Viganò offering the Mass of All Time

The theologian will tell me that this is common doctrine, and that the Mass is exactly that, regardless of the rite, I do not deny it, rationally. But while the celebration of the Tridentine Mass is a constant reminder of an uninterrupted continuity of the work of the Redemption studded with Saints and Blesseds, the same thing does not happen, it seems to me, with the reformed rite. If I look at the table versus populum, I see there the Lutheran altar or the Protestant table; if I read the words of the Institution of the Last Supper in the form of narration, I hear the modifications of Cranmer’s Common Book of Prayer, and the service of Calvin; if I glance through the reformed calendar, I find that the same saints who cancelled the heretics of the Pseudo-reform have been removed. And the same is true for the songs, which would horrify an English or German Catholic: hearing the hymns of those who martyred our priests and trampled the Blessed Sacrament in contempt for “papist superstition” sung under the vaults of a church ought to make us understand the abyss that exists between the Catholic Mass and its conciliar counterfeit. To say nothing of the language: the first ones to abolish Latin were the heretics, in the name of giving the people a greater comprehension of the rites; a people whom they deceived, contesting revealed Truth and propagating error. Everything is profane in the Novus Ordo. Everything is momentary, everything accidental, everything contingent, variable, and changeable. There is nothing of the eternal, because eternity is immutable, just as the Faith is immutable. Just as God is immutable.

I would like my confreres to dare to do the unthinkable: I would like them to approach the Holy Tridentine Mass with the reverential fear with which Moses approached the burning bush: knowing that each one of us, upon coming down from the altar after the Last Gospel, is in some way interiorly transfigured because there he has encountered the Holy of Holies.

There is another aspect of the traditional Holy Mass that I would like to emphasize, and that unites us to the Saints and Martyrs of the past. Since the times of the catacombs up until the most recent persecutions, wherever a priest celebrates the Holy Sacrifice, even in an attic or a cellar, in the woods or in a barn, or even in a van, he is mystically in communion with that host of heroic witnesses of the Faith, and the gaze of the Most Holy Trinity rests on that improvised altar; before it all the angelic hosts genuflect adoringly; all of the souls in purgatory gaze toward it. In this too, especially in this, each of us understands how the Tradition creates an indissoluble link between the centuries, not only in the jealous custody of that treasure, but also in facing the trials that it entails, even unto death. In the presence of this thought, the arrogance of the present tyrant, with his insane decrees, ought to strengthen us in fidelity to Christ and make us feel that we are an integral part of the Church of all times, because we cannot win the palm of victory if we are not ready to fight the bonum certamen.

I would like my confreres to dare to do the unthinkable: I would like them to approach the Holy Tridentine Mass not so as to be pleased with the lace of an alb or with the embroidery of a chasuble, or because of a mere rational conviction about its canonical legitimacy or about the fact that it has never been abolished; but rather with the reverential fear with which Moses approached the burning bush: knowing that each one of us, upon coming down from the altar after the Last Gospel, is in some way interiorly transfigured because there he has encountered the Holy of Holies. It is only there, on that mystical Sinai, that we can understand the very essence of our Priesthood, which is the giving of Oneself to God, above all; an oblation of all of himself together with Christ the Victim, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls; a spiritual sacrifice which draws strength and vigor from the Mass; self-renunciation in order to make way for the High Priest; a sign of true humility, in the annihilation of one’s own will and abandonment to the will of the Father, following the Lord’s example; a gesture of authentic “communion” with the Saints, in the sharing of the same profession of faith and the same rite. And I would like not only those who have celebrated the Novus Ordo for decades to have this “experience,” but above all the young priests and those who carry out their ministry in the front line: the Mass of Saint Pius V is for indomitable spirits, for generous and heroic souls, for hearts burning with Charity for God and one’s neighbor.

In the trial, we are all the same: because the victory that the Enemy wants to win is not only over the poor souls of the Baptized, but over Christ the Priest, whose Anointing we carry.

I know well that the life of the priests today is made up of a thousand trials, of stress, of the feeling of being alone in fighting against the world, in the disinterest and ostracism of Superiors, of a slow wear and tear that distracts from recollection, from the interior life, and from spiritual growth. And I know very well that this feeling of being under siege, of finding oneself as a sailor who is alone and has to pilot a ship through a storm, is not the prerogative of traditionalists or progressives, but is the common destiny of all those who have offered their lives to the Lord and to the Church, each with their own miseries, with economic problems, misunderstandings with the Bishop, criticisms from their confreres, as well as the requests of the faithful. And also those hours of solitude, in which the presence of God and the companionship of the Virgin Mary seem to vanish, just as in the dark night of Saint John of the Cross. Quare me repulisti? Et quare tristis incedo, dum affligit me inimicus? When the demon winds insidiously between the internet and the television, quærens quem devoret, taking advantage of our weariness by betrayal. In those cases, which we all face just as Our Lord did in Gethsemane, it is our Priesthood that Satan wants to strike, presenting himself persuasively like Salomé before Herod, asking us for the gift of the Baptist’s head. Ab homine iniquo, et doloso erue me. In the trial, we are all the same: because the victory that the Enemy wants to win is not only over the poor souls of the Baptized, but over Christ the Priest, whose Anointing we carry.

For this reason, today more than ever, the Holy Tridentine Mass is the sole anchor of salvation of the Catholic Priesthood, because in it the priest is reborn, each day, in that privileged time of intimate union with the Blessed Trinity, and from it he draws indispensable graces so as not to fall into sin, to progress along the way of holiness, and to rediscover the healthy balance with which to face his Ministry. Anyone who believes that all this can be liquidated as a mere ceremonial or aesthetic question has not understood anything about his own priestly Vocation. Because the Holy Mass “of all time” – and it truly is this, just as it has always been opposed by the Adversary – is not an obliging lover who offers herself to anyone, but rather a jealous and chaste Bride, as jealous as the Lord is.

Do you want to please God or the one who keeps you away from Him?

Do you want to please God or the one who keeps you away from Him? The question, at its root, is always this: the choice between the gentle yoke of Christ and the Adversary’s chains of slavery. The response will appear clear and limpid to you in the moment in which you too, marveling at this immense treasure that has been kept hidden from you, discover what it means to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice not as pathetic “presiders of the assembly,” but rather as “ministers of Christ and dispensers of the Mysteries of God” (1 Cor 4:1).

Pick up the Missal, ask for help from a priest friend, and ascend the Mountain of the Transfiguration: Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tabernacula tua. Like Peter, James, and John, you will exclaim: Domine, bonum est nos hic esse – “Lord, it is good that we are here” (Mt 17:4). Or, with the words of the Psalmist that the celebrant repeats at the Offertory: Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuæ, et locum habitationis gloriæ tuæ.

Once you have discovered it, no one will be able to take away from you that through which the Lord no longer calls you servants, but friends (Jn 15:15). No one will ever be able to convince you to renounce it, forcing you to be content with its adulteration that was brought to birth by rebellious minds. Eratis enim aliquando tenebræ: nunc enim lux in Domino. Ut filii lucis ambulate. “For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk then as children of the light” (Eph 5:8). Propter quod dicit: Surge qui dormis, et exsurge a mortuis, et illuminabit te Christus. “Wherefore he says: Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ shall enlighten you” (Eph 5:14).

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

January 2nd, 2022
Sanctissimi Nominis JESUvigano crest

Trapped in Hospital Death Camps?

January 3rd, 2022, Promulgated by Diane Harris

LifeSiteNews once again has stepped up heroically for the Truth. The full title of their article is:

‘Hospital death camps’: Attorney says COVID patients are trapped and receiving harmful treatments

and it appears among the following, just as interesting and sometimes frightening articles:


(LifeSiteNews) — An attorney who spoke during the December 7 “Fired for Freedom” conference hosted by the Truth for Health Foundation described his work trying to rescue COVID patients from the “hospital death camps” where he said people are being kept against their will in intensive care units (ICU) receiving ineffective or even harmful medications.

Held on the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that launched the United States into World War II, the “Fired for Freedom” conference highlighted courageous individuals who have risked everything in the present-day battle for medical freedom and the right to exercise one’s conscience.

“Today is a really important day and a good day to get this out,” said international attorney and Truth for Health Legal Advisory Council member Todd Callender.

“[W]e tend to keep running into the same scenario over and over again,” Callender said, explaining that he works with people who have been hospitalized with COVID and are then “stuck in hospital in a variety of circumstances that don’t let them leave, which is why I call it the ICU jail.”

The attorney explained that COVID patients admitted to federally-funded hospitals are put on treatment protocols which include medications he says tend to harm rather than help them, while being deprived of other medications (like ivermectin) which are not included in the protocols.

Callender said sometimes even patients who enter the hospital for a non-COVID-related reason and later test positive for the virus may be whisked off into “COVID segregation” and ultimately the ICU, “where they are oftentimes deprived of nutrition [and] given a cocktail of drugs, including remdesivir that shuts down their kidneys.”

Callender said his work consists of trying to help patients who want to leave the hospital and get off a harmful regimen of medications but find themselves unable to do so.

“We’ve actually had cases where people have unplugged their IVs and tried to walk out [and] had nurses carry them right back down,” he said, adding that “once they get into ICU, it’s very difficult to get them out because then they rely upon medical care equivalents,” meaning that ICU patients can only leave the unit if they are being transferred to an identical form of care.

The attorney said the crucial rights he’s fighting to protect are the right to bodily autonomy and the right of adult Americans to choose to walk out of the hospital on their own volition if they so desire.

“First and foremost is the right of bodily autonomy,” he said. “They’re sticking all kinds of drugs and cocktails into these patients [and] sometimes they don’t even know it. It’s a medical battery for the hospital to give you a drug that you don’t want. And yet that’s happening. Second to that, and equally as important, is your right to leave the hospital.”

“I’m only shooting about a 50 percent chance of actually getting somebody out of the hospital,” he said, emphasizing that the situation trapping patients in unwanted medical care “all results from federal funding.”

The attorney described a current case in which he is attempting to help a client forbidden to receive ivermectin and unable to leave an Illinois hospital after testing positive for COVID-19.

“I’ve talked to the hospital’s legal counsel asking if they will allow us to bring our own consulting doctor and to provide ivermectin in this particular case,” he said. “The hospital protocols will not allow for that.”

According to Callender, the best thing for Americans to do is to “stay out of the hospital.”

“Stay out of the hospital, and if you need help from a doctor, get a private doctor,” he said. “Go to a clinic that isn’t federally funded because as soon as you’re in that paradigm of federal funding, the hospital says: ‘Our hands are tied and we have to follow the protocol,’ and that includes no outside doctors. That means that you’re going to stay there and oftentimes die.”

He also helps doctors who want to prescribe certain therapeutic medications to patients but are not allowed to do so because the drugs are not listed on the hospital’s COVID protocol.

“And until we get some public light on this, until people like yourself get this out of public view, they’ll just keep doing it because they’re actually getting economically rewarded to do [it],” he said.

“I’m only shooting about a 50 percent chance of actually getting somebody out of the hospital,” he said, emphasizing that the situation trapping patients in unwanted medical care “all results from federal funding.”

“That’s the problem,” Callender said. “[I]t’s created, effectively, hospital death camps.”

The attorney described a current case in which he is attempting to help a client forbidden to receive ivermectin and unable to leave an Illinois hospital after testing positive for COVID-19.

“I’ve talked to the hospital’s legal counsel asking if they will allow us to bring our own consulting doctor and to provide ivermectin in this particular case,” he said. “The hospital protocols will not allow for that.”

Callender said the protocols in U.S. hospitals involve giving patients a series of drugs including midazolam and remdesivir, which he said “effectively poisons” the patients.

“They don’t help them, but that’s the protocol,” he said.

He also helps doctors who want to prescribe certain therapeutic medications to patients but are not allowed to do so because the drugs are not listed on the hospital’s COVID protocol.

The attorney said he has “been spending an inordinate amount of my time lately helping … doctors who want to prescribe therapeutics like ivermectin [and] hydroxychloroquine” but are barred from doing so.

Callender urged concerned listeners to join the fight to shed light on what is happening in hospitals, and to protect themselves from being made victims of a dangerous incentive structure.

According to Callender, many hospitals are “violating people’s constitutional rights, their human rights, their patient rights. And it’s got to stop.”

“And until we get some public light on this, until people like yourself get this out of public view, they’ll just keep doing it because they’re actually getting economically rewarded to do [it],” he said.

Fr. Gerald Murray’s Commentary on TLM Attack

December 20th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The Cruel and Incoherent Further Restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass

Fr. Gerald E. Murray: The Vatican insists the use of Latin is “creating division.” In fact, the Holy See is sowing seeds of division by stigmatizing and penalizing faithful Catholics.

The document Responsa ad dubia (“Responses to doubts”) of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW) on certain provisions of Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes (TC) just published Saturday, is, plain and simple, a brutal exercise of raw ecclesiastical power in pursuit of the elimination of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and the other sacramental rites that, with it, constitute a liturgical unity. It expands the clampdown on the TLM initiated by Pope Francis in TC.

The faithful who find spiritual nourishment in these liturgical rites are shown no pastoral charity or generosity of spirit in this new order of things. They are unjustly accused of fomenting disunity in the Church by virtue of their attachment to the older rites. In his prefatory letter, CDW prefect Archbishop Arthur Roche states: “As pastors we must not lend ourselves to sterile polemics, capable only of creating division, in which the ritual itself is often exploited by ideological viewpoints.” This claim about the TLM is never illustrated in his letter. It is asserted as if it were a fact plainly evident to all. It is not.

Who are the nefarious people promoting ideological viewpoints that exploit the older ritual? Where and how is this being done, and to what purpose? By what definition is a viewpoint an “ideology,” as distinct from a set of principles? When are polemics sterile and not fruitful? Polemics are regularly used these days by many in the Church to denounce all sorts of things such as man-made global warming and anti-immigrant policies in various nations. Do these polemics qualify as sterile, causing division?

Archbishop Roche states:

“The first aim is to continue ‘in the constant search for ecclesial communion’ (Traditionis custodes, Preamble) which is expressed by recognising in the liturgical books promulgated by the Popes Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council, the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite (cf. Traditionis custodes, n. 1). This is the direction in which we wish to move, and this is the meaning of the responses we publish here. Every prescribed norm has always the sole purpose of preserving the gift of ecclesial communion by walking together, with conviction of mind and heart, in the direction indicated by the Holy Father.” (Emphasis added.)

Question: Is not a Catholic free in his mind and heart to respectfully disagree when he finds the direction the pope wants him to walk to be the wrong way to go? Isn’t such Gospel frankness what we owe to our chief shepherd when we consider that he has made a mistake? Or does Archbishop Roche want us to believe that popes do not make mistakes? Certainly not, Since the Responsa ad dubia are an indictment of the decisions of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI concerning the TLM.

Click here to read the rest of Father Murray’s column . . .

The Cruel and Incoherent Further Restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass – The Catholic Thing

Cancelled Priests Coalition’s response to Pope

December 19th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

“Cancelled Priests Coalition response to Pope:

While there will be much commentary in the next several days and weeks to the dreck that was just released by the Congregation for Divine Worship in regard to the so-called dubia about the Traditional Latin Mass, the Coalition for Canceled Priests wants to make clear to all priests of good will that we will support priests who feel they cannot go along with the draconian restrictions placed on the celebration of the ancient rite, both the Mass and the other Sacraments. This is especially true for priests who are part of the so-called Ecclesia Dei communities. The Roman Catholic Church is not governed by legal positivism. The laity cannot be silent to this illegal act.

One main reason many priests have been canceled is their support of tradition. The Coalition will not stand for this outrageous and unnecessary attack on traditional priests and laity. We strongly encourage the laity, who attend only the Novus Ordo Missae and might wonder what this has to do with them, that this attack on so called traditional Catholics is an attack on all faithful, orthodox Catholics.

It is time for all faithful Catholics to stand side-by-side and truly unite the clans through uncompromisingly upholding and faithfully living the holy traditions that have been handed on to us by our ancestors in the Faith. Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle. -2 Thessalonians 2:14

We also want to make clear that the Coalition will help any Catholic priest who feels he cannot, in good conscience, go along with “jab” mandates.

Please pray and fast for Pope Francis that his heart will be melted and he will truly become the shepherd and father (papa) that we all need.

Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, Pray for Us!

St. John the Baptist, Pray for Us!”

For additional press inquiries please email:

Let’s Keep Remembering

December 18th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Last year’s post said:

Cleansing Fire – St. Faustina’s Worst Suffering was 84 years ago

and it was on the day Bergoglio was born. One year later. Still true.


Is SCOTUS laying the groundwork for martyrdom?

December 14th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The December 13th SCOTUS decision against New Yorkers’ exercise of their First Amendment Religious Rights destroys the long-standing world view of U.S. Constitutional Religious Freedom as a guarantee. The American dream has now been reduced to a wobbling, third world, fourth rate, back-water dictatorship held captive by a few black-robed dictators.

AND, the failure to enforce such a clear right to Religious Freedom now becomes  a gateway to martyrdom of whole populations if allowed to stand. It is not just about the Religious Freedom of the First Amendment, but it is now also about every single right of the Bill of Rights. There was a reason the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution, and now the reason it is being destroyed.

Do not think this is only about New York. The decision will be applied to every state, resulting in there no longer being any place in the 50 states for safe practice of religious belief. This opinion seems to be chosen for just such a purpose. At least, so it appears, from the limited information yet available, and the LifeSiteNews article from yesterday.

I have noticed how often an egregious, federally-led development is dropped on top of a Catholic Holy Day. Check out, for example, some of the dates in the Obamacare passage, like Good Friday. This time, the date was that of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and on the same day New Yorkers again got masked for no apparent purpose. Although no study has been put forward to prove any particular vulnerability to Covid or its variants within the Catholic Community, it is almost as if the Faithful had to be shut up in anticipation of the SCOTUS decision!

Here is the link to the LifeSiteNews article. What do you think?

Add Doomsday Glacier into the disaster mix

December 14th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

While we wait for the La Palma volcanic eruption to continue to slow down a bit, or recover its strength, half a world away is yet another natural disaster threat which could have a major world impact:

“Doomsday glacier” ice shelf could shatter within 5 years, scientists say (

Don’t think that CF has turned into a climate thriller type of reporting, but it is becoming clearer that God’s creation is also screaming out for justice and mercy in apparent Revelation scenarios. Whether tornados, wildfires or floods, volcanoes, tsunamis or glacial flooding, God is not without weapons in the final confrontration.

Vax Highlights and more …

December 13th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Austrian, German gov’ts ‘have gone mad’ over COVID, says creator of mRNA vaccine technology – LifeSite (

Demonic-looking statue erected outside UN draws comparison to the Beast of Revelation – LifeSite (

Renowned virologist warns of ‘collapse of our health system’ due to complications from COVID vaccines – LifeSite (

Vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn – LifeSite (

Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS report – LifeSite (

Why we can expect the new COVID shots, variants and lockdowns to keep on coming

Vatican III: Francis’ Synod on Synodality is going to be ‘a mishmash of confusion and heresy’ – LifeSite (



Finally! Common Sense about the Vax!

December 3rd, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The mass inoculation with suboptimal vaccines is encouraging variants, subverting natural immune systems, and resulting in massive viral loads in the jabbed. 

(LifeSiteNews) — It was our hope, given what we were initially told by the COVID-19 vaccine developers Pfizer and Moderna and the CDC, NIH, and NIAID, that the vaccines and the elevated vaccine rates would end the COVID emergency. While not expressing support for the vaccines in this op-ed, given the existence of alternative public health measures and the early outpatient treatment that should have been applied instead of vaccines, I will say that if sterilizing, neutralizing antibody vaccines really had been developed in the first place, then this op-ed would not have been written.

Why? Because it is clear now that the vaccines have largely failed against the Delta variant and “boosting” when the Delta variant, and not the initial Wuhan strain, is dominant will be pointless. The vaccine is missing the Delta variant, and there is clear immune escape, whereby vaccinated persons are becoming infected in large numbers, with immunity that declines rapidly, giving only a few months of protection. Basic immunology teaches us that you can end the pandemic only if you cut the chain of transmission, and you do this with population-level herd immunity.

We became very concerned when we learned that the vaccines were sub-optimal, imperfect, and “leaky” in that they did not sterilize (neutralize) the virus, and thus they allowed for infection and transmission. We learned that the vaccines were designed only to reduce mild symptoms of COVID and were not geared to reduce death or hospitalization or serious disease. We knew, even those who were not immunologists or virologists or vaccinologists (such as myself) knew, that you never vaccinate during an epidemic or pandemic, as was done for COVID-19.

We thus began warning the global community that you must not vaccinate when there is widespread circulating pathogens. Experience told us that we must only vaccinate when there is no infectious pressure due to the pathogen on the immune response. So as the vaccinal antibodies are mounting post vaccination, there is immense immune pressure given the virus is circulating. In other words, the virus is on the battlefield as you were preparing your defenses.

We feel strongly that with these COVID vaccines, we would never ever be able to reach herd immunity as the chain of transmission could never be cut. Remember, we came to know that the vaccine could not stop infection or transmission. We will never be able to vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic with these sub-optimal leaky vaccines, and there will never be “zero COVID” given this virus has an animal reservoir.

By inoculating with a vaccine capable only of deriving sub-optimal neutralizing antibody immunity, when applied as a mass vaccination program, the risk of viral immune escape is increased. By mass vaccination with tremendous, ongoing, infectious pressure, within the context of the immune pressure by the vaccinal antibodies on the S spike protein (which can promote more infectious variants), we gravely underestimate and discount the evolutionary capability of the virus to respond and adapt, with natural selection “selecting” out highly infectious variants capable of overcoming the sub-optimal immune pressure.

The sub-optimal immune pressure, by not sterilizing the virus and killing it, provides the more “evolutionary fit” variants with an evolutionary future they did not have, culling (selecting out) more lethal variants that would otherwise kill the host. That selection would cull forward those variants that could overcome the immune pressure and, in all likelihood, will be more highly infectious

The purpose of this brief op-ed is to warn the very same public health decision-makers who implemented this flawed vaccine program using imperfect non-sterilizing vaccines that, if they continue, they run the risk of driving the emergence of highly infectious variants as well as potentially lethal pathogenic ones.

This is a very dangerous situation, particularly so if we vaccinate our children. Children do not need these vaccines and bring a near statistical zero risk of severe outcome from COVID to the table. The vaccines offer all risk and no benefit to children. Children have the gift of innate immunity that serves them usually as their first line of immune defense, and it is very potent. Why subvert this?

We state here emphatically that it is very misguided of public health officials, the CDC, and NIH to disregard the role of the vaccinated populations in the transmission of COVID virus, both to the vaccinated and to vulnerable, unvaccinated persons.

The fully vaccinated person must be considered a source of transmission. The evidence is strong that the fully vaccinated can become infected, colonize, and transmit the virus, particularly massive loads of virus. This can lead to an unvaccinated person with a fully intact functional immune system becoming overwhelmed by such a massive viral load from the vaccinated. Disregarding the vaccinated as a source of pathogen and spread could be catastrophic. We point to the following more recently published evidence and call on decision-makers to urgently consider this data and adjust their control measures.

What is the key evidence that underpins this warning? As examples, Gazit et al.Acharya et al., Riemersma et al., Chemaitelly et al., Subramanian and KumarChau et al., Shitrit et al., Hetemaki et al.Levin et al., Rosenberg et al., Suthar et al., Nordström et al., Yahi et al., Goldberg et al., Singanayagam et al., Keehner et al., Juthani et al., Embi et al. at the CDCEyre et al., Levine-Tiefenbrun et al., Puranki et al., Saade et al., Canaday et al., Israel et al., Salvatore et al., Eyran et al.,Andeweg et al., and Di Fusco et alhave shown us that the vaccinated can become infected, can harbor the virus, and potentially transmit it.

It is very likely that the vaccinated do transmit the virus. They can harbor elevated viral loads, and thus they can potentially spread them to the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We now have consistent credible reports of no significant difference in PCR cycle count threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta, no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections, and waning efficacy (antibody responses and T cell immunity) by the 4th to 6th months as well.

Vaccinated people with COVID are showing on average much more virus in their nose than the unvaccinated who were infected. Alarmingly, secondary transmission in nosocomial outbreaks are occurring from nurses with symptomatic infections in spite of the use of personal protective equipment and masks. Also of concern is the finding in the UK data (reports 424344454647) of elevated infection in the vaccinated and depressed N antibody levels in persons who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination. This is a huge problem, and Kampf as well as Masre et al. (alternative receptors for SARS?CoV?2 viral entry into host cell) provides us further warnings.

Based on the evidence presented above, and that must include a simultaneous consideration of the adverse events and deaths reported to the CDC’s VAERS vaccine adverse reporting database, I cannot support this mass vaccination. The COVID vaccines have proven to be too ineffective and unsafe at this time to warrant support of mass vaccination.

This must be stopped and not even applied to vulnerable persons and definitely not to our children. For the latter, the costs are unacceptable, particularly because, as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche eloquently argued, these sub-optimal, non-sterilizing vaccines would damage and subvert the potent, non-specific, innate immune system response in children that is their first line of immunological defense (that they come with) and which serves them so potently (specific high-affinity vaccinal antibodies could outcompete non-specific low-affinity innate antibodies).

This could potentially create asymptomatic super-spreaders of highly infectious variants and, most alarmingly, leave children highly vulnerable to other viruses and pathogens, having now a subverted “first line of defense” innate immune system.

To close, we are subverting fully capable and sterilizing innate immune systems (and natural adaptive/acquired immune systems) in our populations with sub-optimal non-sterilizing vaccine immunity. This can have catastrophic consequences for populations and humanity. This deserves very serious consideration as we move forward. Moreover, boosting with continually waning vaccinal antibody immunity could only make things worse.

Dr. Vanden Bosche has explained that repeated boosting will continually suppress the innate immune system, and this could have devastating consequences for both adults and children. It is my opinion that a hard stop to this vaccine program is the only path forward. There should also be an equally acute pivot to the use of chemoprophylaxis antivirals as well as for treatment for those infected.

Eucharistic Miracles Display @ Sacred Heart Cathedral

December 2nd, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The Cathedral Community – Rochester, NY | Parishes Online

The December 5th bulletin at Sacred Heart Cathedral will contain an invitation to visit a Narthex display during Advent of more than 30 Eucharistic Miracles.

What a marvelous subject for a worthy pilgrimage! Click the link above for more detail from the bulletin, and to learn how to receive an email copy of that bulletin weekly.