Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Eternal Rest Grant unto Cardinal Pell, O Lord …

January 12th, 2023, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Cardinal Burke published this statement on his website, where you will find here:

Cardinal Pell suffered enormously from false accusations, unethical court proceedings, and especially being kept from saying Mass during his unjust incarceration. He was indeed a victim soul, suffering for the sins of others. It will not surprise me if some day evidence is presented for ‘murder during a hip replacement surgery’, given the hatred spewed toward the prelate during his trials in Australia.

Cleansing Fire followed the story, which can be verified by searching “Pell” on the white search bar in the upper right corner of our site. I look forward to soon completely reading his Prison Journals and gaining more insight.


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