Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Bp. Schneider calls out Vatican Error

October 27th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion-tainted vaccines – LifeSite (

“If you want or not, it’s undermining the Fifth Commandment of God and the absolute maximum determination of the Church to oppose the evil of abortion and the evil of exploiting and commercializing of tissues and cells of assassinated babies.”

“The essential point of the argument is this: the use of abortion tainted vaccines brings us to a close collaboration with the fetal industry and their products, a use which is because of this proximity immoral, and furthermore it gives a scandal, since by such a use we are de facto supporting that immoral industry; furthermore that use considerably weakens our necessary and public protest not only against abortion itself, but also against the growing fetal industry. Fetal industry is so exceptional immoral and horrible that it cannot be compared with other common issues of a collaboration or a benefitting of evil acts of others, such as e.g. products of slavery work etc.”




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