Cardinal Burke on 19 points of concern:
Abp. Vigano:
Bishop Athanasius Schneider; The Remnant and LifeSiteNews
Views of multiple TLM-supporting hierarchy
George Weigel in National Catholic Register
Edward Pentin’s dismay at severe restrictions: National Catholic Register
Rorate Caeli and Legal Implications (Fr. Z)
It appears that the Church Hierarchy is selling out to the vax crowd by not only forcing their own prudential judgments against the Faithful, but by joining the enforcers to deny Mass to those whose prudential judgments are truly for science and truth, with a well-formed conscience. How? Just begin to follow the practices which are already raising their ugly heads as ‘green tickets’ to be able to attend Mass in some European countries or rationing tickets like a stadium game access when the Pope is visiting. One way or another, it seems the hierarchy is bent on executing what is, de facto, a schismatic strategy. So how about cooperating with that strategy by allowing the unvaxxed to attend the Trad Latin Mass? Just provide us enough Faithfully-celebrated Latin Masses to do so. And, of course, welcome the vaxxed Faithful to attend as well, if they choose to do so.