Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Cardinal Sarah ‘humbly begs’ Pope Francis to reinstate single celebrant Masses at St. Peter’s Basilica

April 30th, 2021, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Cardinal Sarah asks Pope Francis to reinstate individual Masses at St. Peter’s Basilica – Adoremus

(Thank you to M. for alerting us to the Adoremus article. Let us pray for Cardinal Sarah’s intention.)


“Cardinal Sarah said the new norms are as lacking in justice as in love, do not correspond to the truth or the law, do not facilitate but rather endanger the decorum of the celebration, devout participation in the Mass, and the freedom of the children of God.”

“The new protocols which were decreed by the First Section of the Secretariat of State, said priests will be invited to take part in several concelebrated Masses at St. Peter’s every day, but will not be permitted to offer private Masses at the basilica’s 45 side altars and 11 chapels.”

“Cdl. Sarah asked …. if it was necessary to break this ‘ancient and venerable custom,'”  and pointed out that:

“The main … role of an altar is in fact that the Eucharistic sacrifice be offered on it.” Furthermore, Cdl. Sarah notes, “The presence of the relics of the saints under the altars has a biblical, theological, liturgical, and spiritual value of such magnitude that there is no need even to mention them.”

“With the new norms the altars of St. Peter’s are destined to serve, except one day a year, only as tombs of saints, if not as mere works of art.”

“Those altars, instead, must live, and their life is the daily celebration of the Holy Mass.”

See full CNA/Adoremus article here:  Cardinal Sarah asks Pope Francis to reinstate individual Masses at St. Peter’s Basilica – Adoremus



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