An excellent article with picture gallery appears in the National Catholic Register today, March 22, 2021, written by Edward Pentin, about the deathly silence inside St. Peter’s Basilica. It follows the Vatican’s requiring concelebration of the Mass and tightly restricting the offering of the Traditional Latin Mass and hours in which Mass can be offered. Why is this happening and what does it mean?
While I am personally appalled at the implicit and simultaneous denigration of the Mass, as well as of priests and of the holy basilica, from the sidelines it is not difficult to find several possible reasons. The following timeline is based on a translation of Contra Recentia Sacrilegia (translated as “Protest against Pope Francis’s Sacrilegious Acts”… be sure to read the impressive Signatories List) — that condemns wholesale the Pope’s dabbling in idolatry:
- Approximately a year and a half ago (a not-insignificant elapsed time period in prophecy) Pope Francis desecrated the property of the Vatican with worship services in the Vatican Gardens of a “Pachamama, a fertility goddess” idol during the Amazonian Synod. The desecration was on October 4, 2019, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. On that day, Pope Francis attended an act of idolatrous worship of the pagan goddess “Pachamama”, thus desecrating the vicinity of the graves of the martyrs and of the church of the Apostle Peter.
- Pope Francis further participated in this act of idolatrous worship by blessing a wooden image of Pachamama.
- On October 7, 2019, the idol of Pachamama was placed in front of the main altar at St. Peter’s and then carried in procession to the Synod Hall. Pope Francis said prayers in a ceremony involving this image and then joined in this procession.
- When wooden images of this pagan deity were removed from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, where they had been sacrilegiously placed, and thrown into the Tiber by Catholics outraged by this profanation of the church, Pope Francis, on October 25, apologized for their removal.
- Another wooden image of Pachamama was returned to the church. Thus, a new profanation was initiated.
- On October 27, in the closing Mass for the Amazonian Synod, Pope Francis accepted a bowl used in the idolatrous worship of Pachamama and placed it on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica.
And one actually wonders why silence has befallen the Basilica of St. Peter? Perhaps the silence is to make God’s voice heard.
How is a good priest able to celebrate a holy Mass in such an idolatrous location? God indeed provided time (a year and a half!) for cleansing of the basilica, for atonement for the multiple sins of idolatry, for the reparation by priests, some now victimized by interference in their freedom to celebrate Mass and others by their own failure to speak out against the Amazonian abominations.