Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Are friends or enemies giving you moral advice?

December 15th, 2020, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The USCCB has communicated that two of the three COVID vaccines can be used by Catholics even though they have abortive links.

Just remember that these are the same people who supported Biden, the pro-abortion presidential candidate. 

Also remember, it is the nature of those in unconfessed guilt to not want to go to hell by themselves.

So be very careful not to be tricked into receiving the mark of the beast.


One Response to “Are friends or enemies giving you moral advice?”

  1. Mary-Kathleen says:

    “Bishops Schneider and Strickland Sign Statement Firmly Rejecting Vaccines Derived from Aborted Human Foetuses”

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