Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

USCCB Day of Reckoning May Have Arrived

November 19th, 2020, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Sometimes, God punishes by giving the sinner exactly what he or she requests; i.e. He ‘turns them over to their sin.’ The Catholic Bishops (not all, but many who are prominent in the USCCB) seem to have just realized their foolish solicitation for Biden may indeed be coming true, to their shame! Their rejection of Trump, the most Catholic non-Catholic President we’ve ever had, who is firmly and unquestionably against abortion, drops all the evils which are bound to ensue under Biden right on the doorstep of the Catholic Bishops. May God strengthen all who are under the demonic forces so visible in the public square, and especially protect the young, holy priests from yielding up the souls in their care through illusory obedience.

LifeSiteNews has given bold statement this evening (11/18/20) which seems tinged by an “Uh-oh” of incredible magnitude. It reminds me of then Cardinal Ratzinger’s words of warning in The Ratzinger Report, how conclusions of bishops’ conferences, powerless in real authority, serve to weaken the moral courage of those who would stand with true Church Teaching. For more information on the experience and concern of the future Pope Benedict XVI, see the CF post:

The praise of the USCCB for Biden will encourage just the kind of cover for Biden’s agenda that the German bishops conference’s weaknesses gave to Hitler. (Entirely too much banter gets aimlessly sprayed to the masses using Hitler as an example, not because the examples are good but because too many hearers have limited understanding of most examples that might otherwise be given. Moreover, we need not go back to the middle ages for examples; Hitler was contemporary to people still alive today. Wait until we see life under Biden, and the analogy to Hitler may not seem inappropriate at all.)

The Trump-Biden election was not just a mere election; it was (and still is) a spiritual war, with the USCCB taking the side of horrendous sin during this election, and effectively opening the gates of hell. The deaths associated with abortion are at least 10x the death count of the Holocaust. Previously, in the U.S. one might blame activists and politicos for the dark path that was chosen for our country. But beginning with Obama’s second term, voters willingly chose the depths of the mortal sin of abortion, barely rejected it with Hillary Clinton, and now fully embrace that sin and the many others, knowingly choosing what the USCCB has endorsed for them! Joe  Biden!

Do not be surprised that in the months running up to the election, the bishops, with some, but very little, exception, did not reinstitute the obligation of Sunday Mass, thus weakening the word from the pulpit and the discernment of the voters. It was totally unnecessary. Catholics have always been able to decide for themselves if they are too sick or contagious to go to Church. Holding back the Holy Eucharist  for (local count) 75 days, also in an election year, further weakens the moral strength of the people.  And the demonic well knows such a plan can be effective in starving souls into submission. Over 70 Million voters will have to answer for choosing to violate God’s teaching, and many fingers will righteously be pointed at their own bishops.

Resisting the temptation to weigh in any further in support of the LifeSiteNews article, it is best to let the following excerpts stand for themselves, from the article entitled  “US bishops concerned about pro-abortion Biden, previously hailed him as second Catholic president,” which can be found here: 

  • Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the USCCB, just announced at the end of the USCCB General Assembly public session, a ‘working group’ to deal with pro-abortion Joe Biden, a self-proclaimed Catholic who “will support policies that are against some fundamental values that we hold dear as Catholics.” (Excuse me, it isn’t about ‘holding dear’ — it is about moral law; why not say so?)
  • “The president-elect has given us reason to believe that his faith commitments will move him to support some good policies,” Gomez summarized. He referred to Biden as president-elect, even though election results have not been officially certified in all states. (Excuse, again, but the end still doesn’t justify the means, does it?)
  • The archbishop then addressed Biden’s support for abortion. “He has also given us reason to believe that he will support policies that are against some fundamental values that we hold dear as Catholics,” he said. 
  • “These policies include the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and
  • the preservation of Roe v. Wade. Both of these policies undermine our pre-eminent priority of the elimination of abortion.”
  • restoration of the HHS mandate,
  • the process of the Equality Act, and
  • the unequal treatment of Catholic schools and…
  • “abortion is an essential health care service.”

Despite noting a disparity between Biden’s support for abortion and “fundamental values that we hold dear as Catholics,” Archbishop Gomez ignored this issue only a few days previously. (One more, excuse me–when you click into the LifeSiteNews Story, don’t miss the “deer-in the headlights” look in Bishop Gomez’s eyes!)

In the November 7 congratulatory message to Biden, when the media called the election for him, the USCCB not only hailed Biden as president-elect but also referred to him as the second “Catholic” president after John F. Kennedy…. It was promptly republished by Vatican News.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò … said that in calling Biden “the second Catholic President,” the bishops have confirmed their complicity in abandoning Church teaching. Viganò wrote: “With these words of the USCCB the pactum sceleris [plot to commit a crime] between the deep state and the deep church is confirmed and sealed, the enslavement of the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy to the New World Order, denying the teaching of Christ and the doctrine of the Church.”

Keep praying, especially the Rosary. It’s not over until God says it’s over.


One Response to “USCCB Day of Reckoning May Have Arrived”

  1. Diane Harris says:

    I had posted on Nov. 19, 2020, entitled “USCCB Day of Reckoning May Have Arrived.” Earlier today (Jan 20, 2021) I discovered the post had disappeared from the queue. Hmmmm…. strange. So I’ve reposted it in the same queue back on Nov. 19th, from a separate copy I had, but which is exactly the same as previously posted.

    I’ve also had three calls mentioning being dropped or downloading painfully slowly or being overridden by pictures from the swearing in — on Church Militant, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity tonight. It is too soon to be obsessive, but not too soon to be at least a bit concerned. Please let us know of any problems you experience on CF.

    Our focus will continue to be toward the Church, rather than toward political commentary, except in extraordinary connections between the two. We’re not a NEWS site, per se, but the ticker keeps us in touch with what is happening ‘out there’ that may affect our lives and worship.

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