Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Courage to Preach the WORD in Election Season

October 6th, 2020, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Hear Rev. Anthony Amato exhort the flock at St. Katharine Drexel and St. Maximilian Kolbe Parishes  to embrace the Catholic Church’s Pro-Life Teaching against abortion this election season:

Complicit Clergy has also publicized Father Amato’s sermon here:  


One Response to “Courage to Preach the WORD in Election Season”

  1. militia says:

    Lifesite has been reporting more bishops supporting the Catholic position that faithful Catholics should not vote for abortion candidates. Today Lifesite mentions:

    Bishop Johnston, Jr. of Kansas City-St. Joseph, who issued a letter to his diocese saying the state “has a duty to protect what God has already bestowed upon us as inalienable rights so that all citizens can flourish __ A Catholic voter would do well to weigh a candidate’s position on each of these essential God-given rights that government has a duty to protect, beginning with the right to life.”

    Archbishop Rozanski of the Archdiocese of St. Louis urged Catholics to remember that “abortion is the pre-eminent moral issue of our time, and if you don’t struggle to justify voting for a candidate whose record or policy would favor or even expand abortion, then you probably aren’t forming a Catholic conscience in preparation to vote.”

    Bishop Zubik of the Diocese of Pittsburgh also issued a letter, in which he told voters that it was “imperative” to consider the “issues of abortion and infanticide” when voting and that “respect for life IS the issue,” ___ He explicitly said that “from our Catholic perspective it is morally unacceptable to vote for a candidate with the specific intent in support of something which is evil, i.e. abortion, racism, etc.”

    Bishop Aquila of the Diocese of Denver said that American Catholics are obliged to find out their candidates’ stand on abortion, assisted suicide, marriage, family, and religious freedom, and to “vote accordingly.” Essential for every Catholic to fulfill his or her duty as a citizen is knowing where candidates stand on the issues of life, family and religious freedom,” Aquila wrote this week in the National Catholic Register. “It is not possible to be a Catholic in good standing and support abortion or assisted suicide, to promote unnatural sexuality, or to seek to push people of faith out of the public square.”

    In addition to these bishops, we already have the very strong words of Cardinal Burke, Bishop Strickland of Tyler, TX and Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, IL. I don’t mean to leave any bishops out who have also expressed strong and clear statements, but this is a start.

    It must be harder for a priest to stand up courageously for Church Teaching if his own bishop is not vocal. The priests must get very abundant graces to do so.

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