Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

How to handle USCCB’s funding Biden thru CCHD

October 19th, 2020, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Put CCHD in the search bar on page #1 of Cleansing Fire to find the 17 separate posts which have appeared over the last 11 years, cautioning about any support of CCHD — the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

CCHD notoriously has funded sin, in particular abortion and contraception. It is a great scandal that parish pastors continue to put the CCHD envelopes in their churches, entrapping souls into financially funding sinful purposes. It is a very great scandal that bishops require their priests to make such collections.

Apparently it is up to the laity to interfere by 1) not giving a penny to the CCHD collection, 2) communicating ‘why’ one refuses to support the CCHD or whatever the guise under which it appears (parish, diocese or even the USCCB.) 3) If you didn’t know part of the collection will go to Biden, and it wasn’t disclosed to you, ask your pastor to return your donation to you. 4) This year the CCHD funding has the additional effect of funding the Biden campaign and all the sin for which it stands. Tell other parishioners. Encourage them to ask for their donation to be returned. 5) Recognize too that donations made to CCHD are not fully deductible as charitable donations due to the campaign funding. If they are reported to you at year end as ‘donations’ very likely your parish is violating tax law. 

How to handle those sneaky envelopes?  Here is one non-verbal opinion which is easy to express, and easy to toss into the collection box or a litter box:







Headline from 10/14 LifeSiteNews:

US bishops funding group that blatantly campaigns for pro-abortion Joe Biden

“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, is funding an organized and direct effort to elect Joe Biden as the next president.” Here is the full story link:

Personally, I am of the opinion that those who put out those solicitation materials know exactly what they are doing, after all this time, and are undeserving of the usual, more kindly requests. Let it rip!


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