Even though Donald Trump is the most pro-life President the U.S. has ever had, and his actions far outstrip that of the US Bishops as a body, (they are not even making the preeminence of life the key election point), Trump is resented deeply by the Vatican because he won’t let America be diminished under international coalitions like the Parish Climate Accord or in paying blackmail to Iran, or protecting US borders. At the beginning of his presidency he went respectfully to Rome, but Pope Francis was already opposed to Trump and it only has gotten worse. Americans’ constitutional rights are at risk; socialists support Pope Francis as if he were their mentor in turning the Catholic Church into masonic turf.

Michael Matt, 27 minutes from The Remnant
Clear words are needed to speak on these matter to the Body of Christ in terms of our love for our Holy Mother Church and our obligations to her. Michael Matt is in the right place at the right time to make such points clearly. His latest 27 minute exhortation is well worth listening to, and then re-listening. The point is not to let ourselves become fragmented and then ineffectual.
Listen to https://youtu.be/WBUHhQrct_M especially when Jeffrey Sachs, population suppressor and multilateral darling, proclaims the United States (and Donald Trump) to be the greatest problems in the world. Begin at 14:30 minutes on the video if you only have a few minutes to view the degree to which America and Trump are villainized by our own Church. Hatred would not be too strong a word. Matt also gives advice on a question which surfaced a few years ago, and has been raging for several months, about certain technical arguments related to the election of Pope Francis and the status of the Pope Emeritus. In that matter, all we can do is pray, and beg God for His Intervention.