12/11 Cdl. Ouellet was not bothered by pachamama statues! Even in his own titular church!
These ‘end times’ are forcing us to take one side or the other. For God and obedience to the First Commandment, or not. A young Austrian man apparently has more common sense and more spiritual sense than a Cardinal of the Roman Curia. Cardinal Marc Ouellet (Quebec) is reported by LifesiteNews as saying “… the pagan Pachamama statues that were present during various synod activities ‘did not bother me,’ adding, ‘To say that there was adoration of idols is an exaggeration.’” What then does one call prostration in the Vatican Gardens in front of the idols? What then does one call contemplating (praying?) to the statues in a titular church with one’s back turned to the Holy Eucharist? What then does one call apology to a hunk of wood by the Pope, but not apology to the Most Blessed Sacrament? In Matthew 6:24 and in Luke 16:13 we read essentially the same message: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Cardinal Ouellet serves as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. What is even more outrageous, the worship of those statues also took place inside Cdl. Ouellet’s own titular church! (ok, I just used up my last exclamation point.) Read the rest here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/cdl-ouellet-pachamama-statues-did-not-bother-me-exaggeration-to-speak-of-idolatry
12/3 Bp. Malone Resignation News
Now it makes some sense why an ad limina visit by NYS bishops was scheduled during the USCCB National Meeting. Wonder what else happened there?
The use of “Fr” in titles
Some readers may have noticed the title in front of James Martin’s name on CF is starting to appear in quotes, in the ticker titles. Maybe the quote marks will show up soon in edits of recent posts as well. The intent is not to be disrespectful where respect is due. If it were, the Fr would be dropped completely. Rather it is for the sake of souls who might be confused by our referring to information which should be recognizable as opposing Church teaching, but sometimes isn’t obvious. The basis can be found in Luke 11:11-12: “What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?” Well, “Fr” Martin does worse. A soul asks for straight teaching and is directed to a sinful path. Doesn’t sound like a real Father to me.