Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Idolatry is sin, in Vatican Gardens AND in local parishes

November 3rd, 2019, Promulgated by Diane Harris

[Retitled 11/6]  Is there, perhaps, another explanation for this picture?










For example, could this possibly be a hatha yoga class stretching their butt muscles? You know, just like the hatha yoga classes that keep showing up in Church bulletins as being conducted on a regular basis in Parish Facilities?

Ummm… no, not likely; we know better. But it still makes the point that hatha yoga and any other forms of yoga rooted in Eastern Religious practice is dangerous to souls. It is bad enough that so many Christians are using yoga and claim it to “only” be an exercise. It is anything butt an exercise! And Catholic parishes have no business exposing their members to this pantheistic practice. Let’s tell our friends who are involved in yogic practice NOW! Tell the pastor NOW! Tell the bishop NOW! Maybe we can’t do anything about the Pope’s idol activities but we can surely give feedback, welcome or not, to those who have some control over the scandal of holding yoga sessions in parish facilities.


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