Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Global Vocations Crisis (ref: Church Militant)

October 26th, 2019, Promulgated by Diane Harris

10/26 publication by Christine Niles:


3 Responses to “Global Vocations Crisis (ref: Church Militant)”

  1. Diane Harris says:

    And lookie what Cathedral was used for the photo lead!

  2. christian says:

    Regarding allowing married men to be ordained to the priesthood, I saw a live broadcast n EWTN today discussing the outcome of the Amazon Synod. The large majority of the reported 181 bishops present (elsewhere it stated 180) voted to allow married men to be ordained to he priesthood. The next step would be for Pope Francis to approve it. In terms of what this might look like for the entire Catholic Church, particularly the Latin rite, there was talk of creating another rite: the Amazonian rite.

    I wonder what the Amazonian rite would look like.

  3. christian says:

    I don’t know why my comment regarding the photo didn’t show up on Saturday, October 26th, 2019. I noted the photo was of our own Sacred Heart Cathedral and the priest in the foreground was Fr. Peter Mottola.

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