A priest’s warning: Christians who vote for pro-abortion politicians could “spend all of eternity in hell.”
October 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Little more than a week before the Canadian federal elections on October 21, a Catholic priest with a large YouTube following has warned Catholics that they might face eternity in hell if they vote for an abortion-supporting politician.
In a new video, Fr. Mark Goring, a Canadian priest at a parish in Ottawa, and a member of the Companions of the Cross community of priests, warns Catholics not to be “stupid.”
“If you vote for a political leader who’s very open about allowing harm to be done to the most innocent and the most helpless the most little you are complicit in the death of these little ones,” he said. “And you have blood on your hands and you might (and I say this out of love and out of concern) you might spend all of eternity in hell because you did not obey God’s clear commandment thou shalt not kill.”
“Several of Fr. Goring’s videos have gone viral with hundreds of thousands of views, and with 36,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, he’s been a much needed voice for orthodoxy in the Church.” (Published by John-Henry Westen; LifeSite News).
Hear Fr. Mark Goring here:
The popularity of Fr. Goring’s messages shows the desire of the human heart for Truth. But some Christians find it difficult to ‘hurt’ the feelings of family members and friends by setting the Truth before them. Fr. Goring helps them to do so. For those who do speak the Truth and are rejected, sad as the family/friends situation may be, they have been at least faithful to the Lord, and allowed themselves to suffer ‘white’ (i.e. bloodless) martyrdom for His sake.
Lest the message on abortion be missed by pointing to the awareness of John the Baptist at 6 months as a ‘time-limit’ on abortion, let’s remember that the Presence to which the Baptist is reacting is only a day or two after conception! Yet Life is fully present, to which John the Baptist is aware and reacts.