The following GO FUND ME site was successful. It raised the full amount requested and no further donations are being accepted. But for your interest in the need for vestments, and for support of the Traditional Mass, the following information remains:
A Solemn High Latin Mass was celebrated on June 22, 2019, the Feast of St. John Fisher, Patron Saint of the Diocese of Rochester, NY. The Mass was held at St. Francis of Assisi Church (St. Peter’s Parish) in Phelps, NY. More on that holy event can be viewed here:
The adjacent picture is from that Mass and shows proper vesting for a Solemn High Traditional Mass. One understands at a glance that the vestments for the celebrant, and for the priests serving as deacon and subdeacon of the Mass, are not inexpensive. And there is far more required than the eye can see. Visit the GO FUND ME link for more detail on the various and necessary items which have as their object obedience, service and worship of God. So the good news for the laity and for other supporters of the Traditional Mass in the Extraordinary Form is the opportunity to contribute to properly vesting our priests for their work of liturgy.
Please click the link created by Father Peter Mottola to understand better the need for the vestments and other items, and to offer your support:
I found this very interesting: