Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Notre Dame Consumed in Flame

April 15th, 2019, Promulgated by Diane Harris





Art and Artifacts Saved:

“A Notre Dame cathedral priest has claimed that all precious artefacts and artwork have been saved from the historic building.

In a tweet, French journalist Nicolas Delesalle cited Père Frédéric, writing: ‘Good news: all the works of art were saved. The treasure of the Cathedral is intact, the Crown of thorns, the Holy sacraments.'”


One Response to “Notre Dame Consumed in Flame”

  1. annonymouse says:

    How very sad. We can only hope and pray that from these ashes there will be a resurgence of faith in France. The symbolism is impossible to miss – this most famous church of France, engulfed in flames, can be seen as a symbol of the essentially dead faith of that nation – a faith once vibrant and alive and now just a hollow shell.

    May the Lord, by the intercession of His most Blessed Mother, please use this tragedy to reignite the Faith of France and, indeed, all of Europe!

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