Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Does Septuagesima still exist?

February 15th, 2019, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Septuagesima is the first of those three Sundays before Ash Wednesday, which prepare us for a deeper Lenten experience.  The name means seven weeks before Easter, and it is followed by Sexagesima (6 weeks) and Quinquagesima (5 weeks) before we receive our ashes. Does Septuagesima still exist?

Yes, for example, wherever the Sunday Latin Mass is celebrated. The Latin Septuagesima Mass in Rochester is at St. Thomas the Apostle Church at 11:15 AM on Sunday, February 17th.  St. Thomas is located at 4536 St Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY 14617. There is confession before and after Mass.

There is also a Septuagesima Mass in English at the Fellowship of St. Alban at St. Cecilia Church,  2732 Culver Rd., Rochester NY 14622, at 11:30 AM on February 17th, with confession before Mass. More information from St. Alban can be found here:

Please add a comment if you know where else the three “gesimas” can be found these next few weeks.



One Response to “Does Septuagesima still exist?”

  1. raymondfrice says:

    Someone may want to check ST Peter’s parish in Phelps/Clifton Springs/St Dominic’s.

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