Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

What does St. Faustina’s Suffering Mean?

December 31st, 2018, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (published 1987) describes in Paragraph 823 her worst day of suffering:

page 323 of the Diary





What are we to think of this experience being the worst suffering remarked by St. Maria Faustina?

What are we to think of her understanding of the importance of offering her suffering for priests?

What are we to think of this suffering experience having been on the precise birth date of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis?



4 Responses to “What does St. Faustina’s Suffering Mean?”

  1. militia says:

    I think I understand and I find it very scary. Come, Lord, Jesus.

  2. brother of penance says:

    I’d rather take to heart the now famous Exhortation: Be Not Afraid!

    That being said, we must consider analyses which make us squirm in discomfort.
    Try this one on for size:

    Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Pray For Us……

  3. christian says:

    I respect the Chair of Peter, but I have reservations (to put in mildly) about Pope Francis/Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Head of the Catholic Church. I preferred Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger as Head of the Catholic Church.

    When Jorge Mario Bergoglio was first elected Pope, a close relative relayed that according to the Prophecies of St. Malachy, Pope Francis would be the last Pope (and additionally cited another prediction about him being an apostate pope).
    According to the Prophecies of St. Malachy, after Pope Benedict XVI -“(In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.)”

    There has been debate as to whether additional text has been added on to the original Prophecies of St. Malachy by someone else, to whether it was the original document, and to whether there is the possibility of more than one pope between Pope Benedict XVI and the End.
    In any case, it’s very scary.

    During Pope Francis’ tenure:

    I was not in agreement with Pope Francis declaring a “State of Palestine.”

    I was not in agreement with Pope Francis issuing “Laudato si,” addressing global warming, ecological footprint, and pollution, while Christians were being persecuted, tortured, and killed throughout the world, particularly the Middle East. Someone asked me this summer, if they would commit a sin if they turned their on their air conditioner.

    I had some questions with Pope Francis’s “Amoris laetitia.”

    I thought it was undignified and offensive to tell women to during his travels, to “stop breeding like rabbits.” He wasn’t acknowledging the men’s part in conceiving these children. In some of these countries, men tend to dominant women and insist on having their wants met by their wives. Yet Pope Francis was putting the blame on women for having so many children. Apparently later on, he addressed men as well.

    In conclusion: Dear God, increase our faith. Help us to be strong and persevere. Come, Lord Jesus. Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus!

    Pope Francis while Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, reportedly took no action against clergy who were guilty of sexual abuse and would not respond to allegations of sexual abuse from victims. He reportedly took measures to cover or clear priest’s of wrong-doing involving sexual abuse and financial misappropriation of funds.

    This is an enlightening article about Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s track record in Buenos Aires entitled, “Cardinal Bergoglio of Buenos Aires: Some More Unanswered Questions.”

  4. raymondfrice says:

    I recently talked to a priest about what was going on in the church {horrendous and diabolical}, including the recent suspension of two of our priests in our diocese. His response to me was that I continue or revive religious practises from the past,ie Attend Mass as often as possible, say the prayers the nuns or our parents taught us, talk to the saints in heaven and continue a daily dialog with Jesus and his mother.

    And remember St Teresa of Avila “Let nothing disturb you, let nothing scare you””’ “

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