Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Prayer for a Shepherd – RIP, Bishop Morlino

November 24th, 2018, Promulgated by Diane Harris

From Facebook

Bishop Robert C. Morlino  passed away last night after experiencing a cardiac event during a medical procedure. 

He will be remembered as saying what needed to be said, in faithful service and truth and occasional unpopularity as a result. The Madison Diocese had asked for prayers for a miracle last night, and now for the repose of his soul. 

Bishop Morlino  was the first bishop to respond to the abuse scandal, even before Pope Francis sent his letter. Bp. Morlino stood out from the others in his fearlessness in calling sin “sin” and in concern for the victims. Unlike a number of other bishops, he wasn’t afraid to use the ‘h’ word regarding the same sex source of abuse. His letter  and our post about his letter can be found  on Cleansing Fire (see 2 links below). Also check EWTN for Raymond Arroyo’s “Word Over” archives for his interviews with Bp. Morlino.

Last night when we received the sad news that  Bp. Morlino seemed to be on his deathbed,  we were all asked to pray for a miracle. The news is sad for us who lose such a leader; but not for Bp. Morlino who moves now toward the words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Thank you to MKP for bringing this to our attention; thank you to those reading this who will join into the prayers being offered for a shepherd of souls.


5 Responses to “Prayer for a Shepherd – RIP, Bishop Morlino”

  1. militia says:

    I hate to even ask, but in these times I feel I must – does anyone else think it is possible that the beloved Bishop Morlino was murdered? I hope they will do a full autopsy.

  2. Ginger says:

    That was my first thought : ( I wouldn’t have thought that way not too long ago.

    These are difficult times.
    Consider how much stress impacts health.

  3. Interstate Catholic says:

    He had a nice funeral. Purple vestments. Mass celebrated ad orientem. And how about those kneelers for Holy Communion!

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