Just when one thinks the news is SO bad that it must inevitably precipitate action, discipline, accountability and healing, the forces-that-be decide to hunker in the bunker. The panning of Pope Francis’ Letter of – what?—Apology? Excuse? Whistling in the dark? – by various reporting organizations is well deserved, in my opinion. Here are a few to look at, with Edward Pentin perhaps being the mildest:
Pope Francis Blames U.S. Sex Abuse Crisis on Clericalism
The American Conservative: “Pope Francis ‘failed’ Letter”
All must help root out culture of abuse
What is disgusting about Pope Francis’ letter, and the prelates who inevitably follow his lead, is seven-fold:
- Pope Francis writes of letting down the ‘little ones’ and about abuse of children and ‘vulnerable adults’, but he totally ignores the homosexual young adult/seminarian impact and its effect on vocations and the sickness of the Church.
- Pope Francis seems to spread the blame through the entire Church and avoid noting the particular responsibility of bishops and cardinals, especially in the scandals most recently revealed.
- The atrocities which Pope Francis references are atrocities by people under his own control. He can call us to prayer all day long, but if he doesn’t enforce the rules, condemn the same-sex activism, defrock the guilty, and model faithfulness, who will? Attendees at an LGBT summit?
- Pope Francis offers virtually no plan to detect, report, and bring to accountability the rampant homosexual sin raging through the Catholic clergy. The spectre in his thinking is “clericalism” which seems to blame those who let the clerics get away with abuse, more than the clerics who are abusing seminarians.
- There is no specific recommendation or plan which encourages hope that the situation can ever be submitted to a just process and resolution.
- There is no acknowledgement how right Pope Benedict was in his November 2005 call to refuse homosexuals entry to the seminaries due to their disordered lifestyle.
- There are at least two masters being served in much of what I read, and neither master is God or the wounded. In much of what is written there is no reason to expect anything to improve.
The letter issued by Pope Francis and subsequently by others reads like words plugged into a template, as if the bishops received an outline and directions on what to say and even how to say it. The pattern seems to be: shock, regret, recounting the work that has been done, idle words of commitment, recommendations and more training. The call to remove complicit priests and bishops is not even mentioned. IMO, that laundry list will change NOTHING, especially if the writer is unwilling to acknowledge that homosexual activism is the root of the abuse. The universal call to prayer is not worthless, but the assurance of the deterrence of punishment is effectively lacking. Read the Pope’s letter and then a few bishops’ letters to see the point that there is no point!
Among the bishops’ letters so far are two I recommend: 1) Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin, whose missive came out before the Pope’s and appears to come from a pastoral heart of caring for the most injured, giving assurances of action, and 2) Bishop Robert J. Baker of Birmingham, Alabama, who does not shirk from calling out the homosexual culture. Many other letters read as if composed by a combination of inputs from the legal team, the marketing strategists, the image consultants and the insurance companies, working down a checklist of what to say and what not to say.
Whatever happened to “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no?” The truth is always the best place to start. Read the two short epistles (letters) of St. Peter in the New Testament. Then read Pope Francis’ letter. What do you think? Imagine if St. Paul would have written an epistle in the ‘current style’ when he confronted the sins in Corinth! Would the early Church have flourished?
For some, ‘mercy’ has been first from themselves, for themselves and ideology and only for each other…all fueled by a worldly mindset rather than a mercy and peace that only Christ can give. The greater concern at this time is where can laity find the Peace of Christ in the midst of this battle between Gospel and anti Gospel, Church and anti-Church.
The flock is divided and are yearning for The Shepherd.
“..But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13
Sorry for the poorly thought out reply at 8:42am
Yes Diane, these various letters are certainly from the same pattern.
This outreach tries to mimic concern and mercy.
The sympathies offered in writing basically protect themselves, perpetrators and agenda.