Thought I was going to quote Pope Francis right there, did you? Surprise!
In all seriousness, let’s all follow the advice of Pope Pius IX. Does this mean that we are abandoning or disrespecting the Petrine Office? Far from it. We are upholding it! Some scandalized Catholics have sadly abandoned the Barque of Peter in favor of schismatic communities or abandoned the Christian faith altogether. WE MUST NOT DO SO. We must hold strong, and in the face of scandal, reply to our Lord’s query of abandonment, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
We as faithful Catholics must follow and pass down the teachings of the Faith as passed down from Our Lord and His Church. Moreover, we must use a discerning ear to ferret out that which is NOT. In doing so, we will remain faithful to Christ and His Church.
We must pray for Pope Francis, that he may issue clarity regarding his confusing statements on the Faith. Until then, if he voices heterodoxy, DO NOT FOLLOW IT BLINDLY. Utilize the sensus catholicus, and we will be guided well. If we have any concerns regarding something Pope Francis has said or done, we should bring it up to a trusted priest. He would be more than happy to counsel us on the matter.
If I may, I humbly request that we all offer up our Masses for this intention:
For the conversion of Pope Francis, that he may issue clarity and strong teaching that will edify the Catholic Faithful, and exalt the Truth of Christ and of Holy Mother Church. Further, for the future Pope succeeding him to be orthodox and unyielding in the face of adversity from our fallen secular world.