Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Restoration of OLV/St. Joseph in Rochester

March 3rd, 2018, Promulgated by Bernie

The “Little French Church” in Rochester is getting a make-over or restoration. Everything is being shipped to Europe to be restored. There used to be a mural in the apse of the church and a mural will appear there again. I am not sure if it will display the same subject or composition. Notably, an altar rail will be reinstalled.

This promises to be an artistic and liturgical gem for Rochester!

Photo of restored sanctuary by Mary-Kathleen Strauch Delaney

                                          Restored view on the left











7 Responses to “Restoration of OLV/St. Joseph in Rochester”

  1. militia says:

    How do we make a donation to this very worthy effort?

  2. Mary-Kathleen says:

    I’m sure Fr. Ronald A. Antinarelli will accept donations at the rectory: 210 Pleasant Street, Rochester NY 14604

  3. Ben Anderson says:

    just fyi – Fr A has made it clear that he isn’t raising money for this restoration.

  4. Ben Anderson says:

    he has encouraged praying for the project, though, and offered one which can be found here:

  5. Sid says:

    I’m betting he would also be gratified to gain a few new parishioners…

    Right now the *entire* interior is covered in high scaffolding: front to back, left to right. Weekday Mass is being held in the parish hall, but Sunday Mass is still held in the sanctuary proper, amid (de/re)construction and all. Father joked about what it might have been like in the catacombs of Rome.

    It is a bit eerie. Call me nutty, but I think it would be a great backdrop for someone’s wedding photos.

  6. ryanz says:

    Granda Liturgical Arts (based in Spain) is doing the restoration work which includes the high altar reredos, both side altars, the stations of the cross, the baptismal font, OLPH icon, and more! See their amazing work at

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