We came together with a common intention for the Diocese of Rochester, and we know those prayers were answered. And, we know that we have CF Friends whom we can always ask to pray for a special intention. But do we have a kind of ‘community prayer list’? Not sure. However, there is a ‘community figure’ who needs prayers and is not ashamed to ask for them publicly, and that’s probably a good place to start. So (from Instagram) here is the story Jill Kelly is sharing. How can there be any reason not to share it? Hopefully, those who read the story, and are willing to pray for Jim and Jill, will consider adding their comments and requests too.
I am praying for Jim and Jill Kelly and their family, that God will give them the miracle they seek, not just for them but to witness to the whole world that God still does miracles, and that people are still willing to ask for those miracles and are not ashamed of God. I pray too for healing in families, for revitalization of faith among the young, for the Lord’s protection of His Church in these almost schismatic times, and more….