Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church


December 26th, 2017, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Proclamation of Birth of Christ 2


2 Responses to “Proclamation”

  1. Diane Harris says:

    One of the joys of the Christmas cycle is Midnight Mass (real Midnight Mass….
    see )
    And one of the joys of Midnight Mass is the Proclamation of Christ’s birth just before Mass begins.

    Want to know more? Here are a few easy resources accessible on-line:

    From the USCCB:

    The announcement of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord from the Roman Martyrology draws upon Sacred Scripture to declare in a formal way the birth of Christ. It begins with creation and relates the birth of the Lord to the major events and personages of sacred and secular history. The particular events contained in the announcement help pastorally to situate the birth of Jesus in the context of salvation history….)

    From Wikipedia:

    Pope John Paul II restored the usage of the Proclamation during the 1980 Papal Christmas midnight Mass. Since then, many parishes re-instituted the Proclamation as well. In the ordinary form of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the Christmas Proclamation is chanted during the Christmas midnight mass.

    From EWTN and NCR:

  2. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    At Saint Andrew Catholic Church On Portland Avenue In the City of Rochester, this PROCLAMATION was announced with joyful solemnity at Christmas Eve Midnight Masses.

    I thank God, the St. Andrew pastoral staff and liturgists who invited me to proclaim it. Those were awesome worship experiences for which I will always be grateful.

    Most significantly, the proclamation was used, the worshippers heard it and (hopefully) God was glorified by it.

    Thanks for posting it on CF!

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