The following is the bible study information we’ve received to date.
A new bible study begins at St. Marianne Cope Parish, Wednesday evenings Sept. 13th, 7 – 8:30 PM at Guardian Angels (Room 4), repeated again on Thursday mornings Sept. 14th at 9 – 10:30 AM at St. Joseph’s in Rush. Ends in November. What were St Paul’s thoughts on the effect of encroaching worldly philosophies, the role of women, and what to do about the “end times”? You might be surprised and learn more if you join the study of Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus. Contact Rick Halsted at or the parish office at 585-334-3518.
A new Catholic bible study is beginning Thursday morning, Sept. 14th, at 10:00 AM at 58 North Main Street in Canandaigua (parking in the lower lot behind the building). We will be studying the Letter to the Hebrews, often attributed to St. Paul. Our goal is one chapter per week (not on Thanksgiving!) It is intended to be a group participation in the Holy Spirit, with an occasional guest speaker on particular topics. Contact Barbara at 585-244-0395.
New Bible Study on the “Parables of the Kingdom” Part 2 will study the Parable teachings of Jesus with a study guide, a commentary booklet and inspirational and educational video. Meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM starting on September 14 to October 19 for six sessions in Our Lady of Peace Parish Center (at St. Francis Church). Call the Rectory to sign up at 315-789-0930.
Bible Study and Church History: “EPIC: A journey through Church History” begins the weekend of October 1, on Sundays at 10:30 AM, and on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, at St. James Church. Contact Tom Ambury at 607-302-0917 or for more information.
Year-round Bible Study on Thursdays begins October 5 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Conference Room. Fr. Jorge Ramirez’s Bible Study Group has the goal to know more about Holy Scriptures and how God reveals His love and mercy to all of us. The first semester will be an introduction to the Holy Scriptures: What is the Bible; division of the Bible; how to read it…. The second semester will focus on the Gospel of Mark and its relationship with the other synoptic gospels. For more information contact Fr. Jorge Ramirez at 585-663-2244.
A new bible study begins September 18 through November 6, 2017, with Doug Taylor-Weiss, a convert to Catholicism and former Protestant Minister and adjunct professor at Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, and a parishioner at St. Mary’s Auburn where he is involved in Faith Formation and Bible Studies. He will lead a study on the Letter to the Hebrews. Mondays at 7 PM for eight weeks at the Holy Family School Room #2. Contact the Parish Office at 315-252-9576.
(Stieglitz Collection)
Will the session at Canandaigua be affiliated with St Benedict’s Parish or with the Congregational Church and why is there no room for us in Dougherty Hall or in a classroom as before at St Mary’s when we had Father Daniel leading it??
It seemed so pleasant carrying our spiritual up lift right from Communion in the Church and directly into the Hall!
Raymond, I would be happy to discuss with you off line in more detail, but tomorrow we are beginning a CATHOLIC bible study. There was not space available for us at St. Mary’s, so rather than delay restarting traditional bible study any further, we are simply obtaining space across the street at the Congregational Church. The people there have been extraordinarily kind and accommodating, and I’m grateful for their trust and assistance. But it is not a Congregational bible study any more than renting a room at Wegmans would make it a Wegmans bible study. Please do come, It’s right after the 9AM Mass, and a very short walk. Please email me if you have more questions about it. Thanks.