Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Vatican Anathema Hurled at Trump …

June 7th, 2017, Promulgated by Diane Harris

… for Heresy against the Environmentalist Religion

by Christopher A. Ferrara
June 2, 2017

Thanks to PG for sending this link to Cleansing Fire


One Response to “Vatican Anathema Hurled at Trump …”

  1. JLo says:

    The final sentence is the heartbreaking summary of where we are today:
    “Such is the sickness that grips a Vatican and the generality of a Catholic hierarchy that no longer sees its mission as the salvation of souls. And such is the unparalleled crisis Our Lady predicted at Fatima.”

    Would that Pope Francis spent his time on his knees in front of the Holy Eucharist instead of endlessly beating his drum for social justice matter. All focus there is awry, a sad and scary sight for faithfilled Catholics who know the mission Jesus gave His Church. +JMJ

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