This weekend, March 25-26th has been designated for collection in churches for support of Catholic Relief Services (CRS). It is ironic to occur on the Feast of the Annunciation, a most pro-life day, when CRS has such a murky background supporting contraception and abortion. Let’s think twice about how our own contributions can involve us in support of sin. If you read only one article, read the one on Zombie Charities.
From LifeSiteNews 2015-16:
The USCCB website seems not to even acknowledge that there are legitimate complaints and concerns about CRS. Rather, there are six organizations identified which receive CRS funds. Here are some direct excerpts, including a 4-year old statement of support and a seemingly close linkage to immigration issues:
Sometimes I wonder: Do we all share the same sense of reality?
If so, then who is putting money in the CRS collection basket? It surely is not me!
And don’t forget who sponsors RiceBowl!