There is no point in snipping out any of this article because it’s long and worthy of serious consideration. For anyone who already has or desires to think through the current issue in the global Church, you would do well to read this thoroughly.
|Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church |
There is no point in snipping out any of this article because it’s long and worthy of serious consideration. For anyone who already has or desires to think through the current issue in the global Church, you would do well to read this thoroughly.
Thanks, Ben, Dr. Feser has masterfully laid out the problem of Pope Francis’s Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, and his inevitable options. “Not to decide is to decide.” If Pope Francis does not respond to valid questions regarding the subjects in question, to include admission to Holy Communion of certain persons in adulterous second marriages, then the danger only deepens. The Holy Father’s office is to teach and clarify the unchanging doctrine of the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ. So we pray that the Holy Father will do the right thing and answer the questions. St. Pius X, pray for us.