Read for yourself:
Of all the responsibilities given to a priest, none can possibly exceed his protection of the Eucharist. And no abuse can possibly be a bigger aspiration of the evil one, than to attack the Body and Blood of Christ, especially through the priesthood, through watered-down teaching or through compromise.
Cleansing Fire’s readers and contributors have spoken out often and strongly against many liturgical abuses in past years, but none ever so important as opposing any denigration of the Eucharist. Quite frankly, that past effort was almost nothing compared to what could lie ahead. We have 2000 years of consistent teaching, which no ‘feel good’ rituals can supplant. And we have St. Paul’s words in Galatians 1: 6-12, that even if an angel were to appear to us and preach a different Gospel, he should be accursed (anathema).
While we have been busy agonizing about an election, other matters, far more threatening, have been emerging. And the laity are likely to be faced with many difficult decisions. This is the time to pray and prepare. Let’s be clear. What seems to be proposed between Catholics and Lutherans is nothing like the orderly, meticulous process followed by Pope Benedict in establishing the Anglican Ordinariate. We welcome reunion and unity, but not compromise of our Faith or make-believe fellowship.
In some sense, I fear that changes have already started. I was at a Mass recently where the priest said something along the lines of “When you receive communion you are not only receiving the Body of Christ, but you are receiving everyone else who is present here, and in your family, neighborhood, work and in the world.” No, Father, I am not receiving any of those people. I am receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
I have come to the conclusion, as a result of that event only a few weeks ago, that I must avoid all priests who themselves do not even seem to respect the Eucharist, who hardly acknowledge the Divine Presence in the Tabernacle, who preach novel ideas to itchy ears.
As long as I have the privilege and ability to write for Cleansing Fire, I will never, please God, compromise at all regarding my words about the Eucharist, and I invite us all to hold each other to those standards which have been traditional on this blog. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Edward Pentin has been a fine reporter, heroic even when faced with the intimidations of Cardinal Kasper. Still, that he wrote the following for the National Catholic Register surprised me. It says what so many find unacceptable to say. What do you think?
As Freud said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes an earthquake is just an earth quake.