Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Annual CCHD Collection vs Conscience

September 11th, 2016, Promulgated by Administrator

Time to start thinking about the collection next weekend — the Annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)  in many of our Parishes. Personally, it gives me conscience problems to contribute to the notorious CCHD in any form. Would my donation  be part of the solution or part of the problem?  There seems to be little evidence that CCHD has cleaned up its act from what has been previously reported on Cleansing Fire and in a variety of other media.  So, I may just print out one or more of the following articles and drop it in the collection envelope.

If you want even more up-to-date information, try  It has the following text suitable for printing and dropping in the collection:

CCHD: 2016 It’s That Time of Year Again

ProLifeCorner-1-13-2016 – by Frank Munda

There is no denying that the Catholic Church in America is very generous with its financial support for the needy all throughout the world… and all across this country parishes will have their annual financial campaign for charity. Depending on the diocese, the names of these campaigns will vary. Sadly the one common denominator is many of these campaigns will include money for the Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Often The CCHD supports some organizations that are less than Christian and many of its tenets are to the point of being anti-Christian i.e. pro-abortion etc.  Unfortunately, to my knowledge many of the parishes continue to support CCHD and other radical groups.

Good people tell me “well everything that these campaigns support are not bad”, for example in one campaign they have a pension fund for retired priests. The problem is there is no way of separating the money that you donate. It goes into a general fund and then is distributed according to the amounts that have been previously awarded to each participant in the campaign.

We are not suggesting that you support or not support such a campaign.  However, we are suggesting that you study the issue, get all of the facts and then pray.  Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you to a proper decision. St. John Paul II said “you cannot do good with one hand and evil with the other.“ Whether you are a Cardinal, Bishop, priest, deacon, religious or a layman, know this: You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.

Meanwhile, here are a few articles from the Cleansing Fire archives, with associated comments:


USCCB pushes CCHD this weekend

Thursday, September 17th, 2015


More Deceit and Coverup from CCHD

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

 No Comments

CCHD – It’s worse than we thought

Friday, November 20th, 2009


A “Put Up or Shut Up Moment” CCHD Boycott

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009


Catholic Relief Services

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013


Following the Money

Sunday, July 7th, 2013


One Response to “The Annual CCHD Collection vs Conscience”

  1. Moved here by Admin:
    annonymouse says:
    September 14, 2016 at 1:17 PM
    Thanks for posting this listing again.

    The first three organizations I looked at are all affiliates of the Gamaliel Foundation, which is engaged in “community organizing” following the tactics of Saul Alinsky, for the goal of “systemic change” – and which organization we can thank for giving us the ultimate “community organizer” – Barack Obama. St. Mary’s Church here in Rochester is a founding member of the Rochester affiliate of Gamaliel, known as ROC/ACTS, and I’m guessing their CCHD funding went straight to ROC/ACTS to fund their professional staffmember.

    The 2nd collection will be getting none of my monies. I’ll donate to House of Mercy or Open Door Mission – at least there I’ll know it’s serving the poor rather than funding far-left political advoca

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