Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Pastoral Assignments

May 31st, 2016, Promulgated by Diane Harris


4 Responses to “Pastoral Assignments”

  1. RochChaCha says:

    What’s it mean ‘to parochial vicar, St. Louis, Pittsford’? Does that mean that Fr Bob Ring will still remain there? In a slightly different capacity? How does parochial vicar differ from pastor?

  2. militia says:

    This past weekend’s St. Louis bulletin also said “associate pastor.” I am wondering what that means. Pastor is a pretty specific title, with all the responsibility. What does ‘associate pastor’ mean (it isn’t in the Courier announcement.)

  3. RochChaCha says:

    Thanks Interstate Catholic. Good information. St Louis is a large parish and the new parochial vicar will have many opportunities there to preach and teach.

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