Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Consecration of Msgr. Lopes as Bishop

February 2nd, 2016, Promulgated by Ludwig

The following was sent along to us from our friends at the Fellowship of St. Alban:

As a reminder, our new Bishop, Steven Lopes will be consecrated [tonight] in Houston. The event will be shown live on EWTN, beginning at 8:00 EST, so we encourage you to tune in for the big day.

Fr. Catania is there in person, as well as many of our friends around the country and world.

More details about the consecration are on our website … including ways to watch it via Internet if you don’t have EWTN, and who the Consecrators are.

It is a great day for us!

Please join us in praying for Christ’s blessings on the Ordinariate, Bishop-Elect Lopes, and for The Fellowship of St. Alban.

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2 Responses to “Consecration of Msgr. Lopes as Bishop”

  1. Choir says:

    Ludwig – Where can I find an online copy of the program? Many thanks.

  2. christian says:

    I came across an article online written by Bishop Steven J. Lopes’ college friend from St. Ignatius institute at the university of San Francisco. Tom Perna recalls his experience at the ordination/consecration, and describes elements of the consecration mass itself. Then he lists the program further down. Here is the link:

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