Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Keeping Christ in Christmas

December 16th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

Three Knights of Columbus Councils in the Rochester area have implemented “Keeping Christ in Christmas” activities this year. There are no doubt more than three but these are the three I have noticed so far.

(Saint) Pope Pius XII Council of the Knights of Columbus secured prime real estate in Irondequoit for a nativity display. Facing the center of the busy intersection of Titus Avenue and Culver Road is a good sized glassed-in display containing a nativity scene composed of figurines.


01d60838883051add80f53e74c10715484cbf5362bSaint Damien of Molokai Council 11411 implemented an original project this year for keeping Christ in Christmas. Christmas cards from people at several different parishes and from students at the Seton School in Brighton were collected, bundled, and mailed to each of the seminarians from the Rochester diocese. The cards were to be delivered to the seminarians at their respective seminaries or parish assignments before they went home for Christmas break. David Fiorito, owner of Genesee Bakery on Mt. Hope Avenue and a member of Council 11411, spearheaded that effort.

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Announcement in Our Lady of Lourdes + Saint Anne Cluster Bulletin

Folks going and coming along a 5-6 mile stretch of  East Henrietta Road (Rt. 15A)  see “Keep Christ in Christmas” billboard-like signs on the three properties of Saint Marianne Cope Parish: The Church of the Good Shepherd, Guardian Angels Church and Saint Joseph Church. The signs are set-up every Advent and Christmas season by Our Lady of the Genesee Knights of Columbus Council.

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The Church of the Good Shepherd, Henrietta

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Guardian Angels Church on East Henrietta Road

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St. Joseph Church at the head of the “Y” intersection in Rush.

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6 Responses to “Keeping Christ in Christmas”

  1. JLo says:

    St. Thomas the Apostle on St. Paul Blvd. also has the Keep Christ in Christmas sign on the front lawn.

  2. christian says:

    St. Rita Church on Ridge Road/Maple Drive in West Webster has the Keep the Christ in Christmas sign on their front lawn.

  3. Diane Harris says:

    so does St. Mary in Canandaigua.

  4. christian says:

    While driving Tuesday evening (Dec. 22nd) I came across one family’s creative use of their small garage. Their garage was transformed into a dwelling for the Holy Family. Large figures of Mary and Joseph could be seen looking attentively to the (to scale) Troth with Hay with a Figure of Baby Jesus. The small garage was lit in such a way, that it highlighted the Holy Family. I cannot describe the entire manner in which this small garage was made ready and adorn to depict the birth of Christ, but it touched me deeply as I glanced upon that scene driving by.

  5. christian says:

    I came across this on the Internet. It is certainly an “interesting way” to get people to say “Merry Christmas.”

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