Today is the Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, (North American) Martyrs. The readings can be found in the Lectionary #473. For those of us in the Rochester area, these are the men who directly paved the way for the Catholic Faith we embrace today.
Our churches have grown out of roots sprinkled with the blood of these martyrs. It is a shame we don’t acknowledge them more often, but at least we are reminded by their roadside shrines.
Previously I posted on A Blackrobe Shrine in the Canandaigua area. A second marker is in Honeoye Falls where Route 15A heads north and Main Street veers off toward the northeast and the commercial area of Honeoye Falls. The prior posting contains the research detail on the martyrs and a bit of history.
Today is a good day to drop off a flower and pray our gratitude, and perhaps occasionally to pick up litter when necessary.
Thanks for posting this tribute Diane! May the North American Martyrs pray for us!