Forget the popular press spin, and read Pope Francis’ own words at www.News.VA
For example, here is the link to the Pope’s remarks on Freedom of Religion:
The future of the Church requires more active participation by the laity:
Transcript/translation of Pope Francis’ address to the UN:
Yes, very important to listen to all his words!
A story: The President and the Pope meet on the road. They respectfully greet each other and talk about how they are following a great vision of peace and justice, then they say their farewells and depart. BUT, please note, they are traveling in opposite directions!
I read from the Holy Father no women priests, the right of conscientious objection when asked about same-sex “marriages”, and that genuine valid marriages are indissoluble. After a week of soft-selling the US, those are some welcome truth grenades he chucked out of the plane hatch as it took off. 🙂
Is anyone else wondering about the Pope’s choice of Thomas Merton on his top 4 mention to Congress? Could he possibly be contemplating canonization? I hope not. It isn’t that I don’t want him to be in heaven, but his life and death don’t seem to rise to the standard expected and shown in the lives of other saints. Any thoughts?