JOB PURPOSE: The Director of this office assists the Bishop of the Diocese of Rochester in fulfilling the Diocese’s catechetical and educational mission. Primary ministerial foci include areas such as evangelization, parish catechesis, catechesis in Catholic schools, campus ministry, youth ministry, young adult ministry, sacramental catechesis including RCIA, marriage preparation and Pre Cana.
see more here.
see all job opportunities here.
Ben – if you’re asking for a reference, I will GLADLY write you one!
I hope our bishop interviews the candidates for their orthodoxy. It’s such an important position in terms of ensuring the teaching of the truth of our Catholic Faith.
The people working in this ministry (I’m familiar with -not very many, to be honest) are either rabidly heterodox or just plain ignorant of church teaching.
Off the topic, but… Who monitors and evaluates homilies, I wonder? How, in fact, do we evaluate priests?