Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

St. Bernard’s Garden Parties

May 9th, 2015, Promulgated by b a

Yesterday I found this flyer in my inbox. I did a quick search to find the event online, but I couldn’t find it. Note the first “party” features adoration and preaching by Fr. Daniel White.



7 Responses to “St. Bernard’s Garden Parties”

  1. christian says:

    Thanks for sharing this Ben! The upcoming offerings for July and August 2015 look good.

    When I saw the title “Garden Parties”, the first thought that came to mind was the song “Garden Party” by Rick Nelson. I guess I’m somewhat giving my age away.

  2. Interstate Catholic says:

    Isn’t Fr. Dan White also the name of Bp. Matano’s secretary?

  3. christian says:

    According to the Diocesan website, Rev. Daniel White is Assistant to the Bishop.

  4. raymondfrice says:

    They are one and the same!!

  5. Hopefull says:

    It is interesting that the fine print says “quality” theological reflection. I read that as “i.e. not the usual SB fare.”

  6. raymondfrice says:

    I read it as authentic theology and not the theology that goes of the map into incredibility and bizarre speculation; as an example Jesus marrying Mary of Magdele. Some modern theologies have God going “Huh ? ” after He hears about them and what HE is supposed to be.

  7. Diane Harris says:

    After receiving advice from “everyone is welcome” to “invitation only,” today I was able to confirm the following through my assistant who tried to RSVP for me, even though no RSVP was not required in the original invitation. Actually, the original broad invitation said: “The event is complimentary, our gift to you.”

    Here’s her email to me: “Just spoke with Alison LeChase at DOR. She is handling the registrations for the Garden party next Thursday. I was told that you are not eligible to attend because you are neither a youth minister nor a parish educator. This first meeting is only open to them. And part of the registration is to list your parish and the position you hold.”

    Oh, my, and here I thought CF was very catechetical and educational 🙂

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