Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Doing God’s Will seems to be Invigorating

May 12th, 2015, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Cardinal Burke looks about 10 years younger in some of his recent photos.  Leaving the Apostolic Signatura and taking charge of the Order of Malta seems not only to have created a world-wide presence and responsibility, but also an effective  pulpit from which the Cardinal’s faith is shown in both words and actions.  He has taken on a number of initiatives, with pro-life very deep in his heart, and is reported to be the only Cardinal who joined in the March for life this past weekend in Rome! Extraordinary!  And yet, it seems to be that very activity which is putting a special joy into his demeanor.

IMG_8886LifeSiteNews reported about the May 10 march:  “Many participants gathered in St. Peter’s Square prior to the march, to hear Pope Francis deliver the traditional Sunday recitation of the Regina Coeli at noon. After a meditation on the day’s gospel, the pope briefly greeted the participants in the march, saying that it is “important to collaborate together to defend and promote life.”  

“Participants then gathered just steps away from the Vatican, on Via della Conciliazione, where they heard testimonies from men and women whose lives had been affected by abortion, before marching through central Rome, finishing at the Piazzale of Bocca della Verità (the mouth of truth).”

In addition, the march drew attention to the very important subject of the risk to children as targets of gender ideology.

Cardinal Burke’s presence drew widespread attention and acclaim.  His activism is a model for all Catholics.  It is particularly striking how much more joyous he appears in recent pictures.  Read more.

See also FOTO Gallery at

Closer to home, revisit the Cleansing Fire coverage of Bishop Matano at the 2015 March for Life in Washington DC here.

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4 Responses to “Doing God’s Will seems to be Invigorating”

  1. annonymouse says:

    God bless Cardinal Burke for his participation in the March for Life. It is sad, that of all the bishops living in Rome, he was the only one who could make time for participation in this march.

  2. annonymouse says:

    Correction – the article says he was the “only Cardinal” but there are many Cardinals in Rome.

  3. Scott W. says:

    Who’s that next to him in the purplish sash? (Is sash the right word?)

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