Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Sacred Sculptures at the Vatican

April 24th, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

From The New Liturgical Movement website

by Gregory DiPippo

A show of reliquaries and other liturgical objects currently going on at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

vatican sculpture exhibit“The Basilica of St Peter is hosting an especially interesting show of sacred sculptures in gold, silver and bronze, from now until June 30; the objects displayed include reliquaries of various kinds, as well as chalices, pax bredes and processional crosses, from several different periods. As I was visiting the show yesterday, I had the good fortune to overhear one of the curators, Dr Benedetta Montevecchi, talking about some of the items to her colleagues, and I had to interrupt her briefly to express my appreciation of her work, which is accompanied by a some very useful didactic material. She explained to me that most of the objects have been brought to Rome from small towns in the province of Lazio which are rarely if ever visited by tourists; the show provides a unique opportunity to see a good number of very beautiful pieces which otherwise could only be seen with a fair amount of travel and the good will of friendly clerics and sacristans. In particular, many of the reliquaries are… “ READ MORE

See more photos HERE and HERE



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