Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Mass Mob planned at Rochester’s St. Michael Church on April 19

April 6th, 2015, Promulgated by b a

Mass Mob planned at city church By Jennifer Burke/Catholic Courier

Diocesan officials are hoping a mob of people will descend on Rochester’s St. Michael Church on April 19 for its regularly scheduled 4 p.m. Mass.

That is the point of a Mass Mob, after all.

The first Mass Mob was held in the Diocese of Buffalo in November 2013, when a successful social-media campaign drew 400 people to a Mass at St. Adalbert Basilica. The concept of holding one-time events to boost attendance at and awareness of historic inner-city churches took off, and since then, Mass Mobs have been held in other dioceses across the country as well as locally, where bloggers organized a Mass Mob at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Rochester last May.
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One Response to “Mass Mob planned at Rochester’s St. Michael Church on April 19”

  1. Bernie says:

    Saint Michael’s seats 1,000 people! 10th largest interior space in Rochester and, perhaps, the most beautiful. The stained glass windows are stunning. Lovely people, as well. The music at the regular 4 pm Masses are classically beautiful.

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