The St. Alban Ordinariate group has announced their holy week schedule on their website.
The services will be led by Reverend W. Becket Soule, OP, JCD.
The initials OP stand for “Ordo Praedicatorum” or Order of Preachers, so he is a Dominican priest. The initials JCD are for Juris Canonici Doctor, or doctor of canon law. He is further a professor of canon law at the Pontifical College Josephinum, where he has a named chair, the Bishop James A. Griffin Chair of Canon Law. The Ordinariate site mentions he is also the new Judicial Vicar for the Ordinariate.
We remind our readers that although established for those from Anglican tradition, any Catholic is permitted to attend these services and receive the sacraments there. In particular, there are three opportunities for confessions mentioned, which will be the usual form for confession.
Further interesting information: “Importantly, many of the services we will be using are newly approved Ordinariate Holy Week services, drawing from the same well of sources as our office and Mass.”
The schedule of services is as follows, at Good Shepherd church, 3302 E Henrietta Rd (Hwy 15A), Henrietta, NY 14467:
Wednesday, 1 April
7:30 pm Tenebrae
8:30 pm Confessions
Friday, 3 April [Good Friday]
12:00 noon Celebration of the Passion, Solemn Collects, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion
1:30 pm Confessions
Saturday, 4 April [Holy Saturday]
10:00 am Morning Prayer [and Blessing of Easter Baskets]
10:30 am Confessions
Sunday, 5 April [Easter Day]
3:00 pm Mass
Tags: Fellowship of Saint Alban, Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
Ludwig – thank you for this posting. Some parishioners from the local Latin Mass community are trying to find Holy Week services to attend, and this posting will give them another options. Will there also be Stations of the Cross.
No stations.
No Easter Vigil in the Holy Night either!
If you are looking for a top-notch Ordinary Form Mass for the Easter Vigil, I would strongly recommend Our Lady of Victory downtown. It will not be EF, but the Kyrie will (as always) be in Greek, and the Gloria, Preface, Agnus Dei, and Sanctus (as always) be in Latin. For the Easter Vigil, though, additional stops are pulled out (see bulletin notice below) Expect a frankly “extraordinary” OF Mass, the way we wish all parishes would celebrate them.
from the upcoming bulletin:
(This is the Principal Easter Mass)
Featuring Joseph Haydn’s Mass in F
Mozart’s “Ave verum Corpus”
and sections from Handel’s Messiah
performed by
Our Lady of Victory Church Choir with
soloists and instrumentalists from the
Eastman School of Music.
Ludwig – Thank you for this posting and for your gracious invitation . I notice that are quite a few options for confession during Holy Week .
Ludwig – Thank you for posting the schedule for Holy Week at the Fellowship of St. Alban at Church of the Good Shepherd on East Henrietta Road, and thank you and the Fellowship of St. Alban for their gracious invitation.
First of all, I share the Fellowship’s elation at having a priest from their Ordinate come to share the liturgy of Holy Week with them, including Holy Mass on Easter Sunday, and many opportunities for Confession to prepare for the Holy Liturgy and Mass for the Feast of Christ’s Resurrection/Easter Sunday. It is also very gracious and generous of Fr. Beckett Soule OP,JCD to come to Rochester to celebrate Holy Week with all of us in the Diocese of Rochester.
***I think 3 P.M. for Easter Sunday Mass is a good time as it facilitates those who would like to attend Easter Vigil at another church on Saturday evening as well as those who have to work the night shift or an extended evening shift the day before. (In many vocations of public service, you have to wait until your relief arrives, and especially in nursing, one has to stay for an extended period of time beyond their shift to do charting once they have reported off and are relieved of duty on the floor). The 3 P.M. time also facilitates families with young children.
My family and I intend to partake of at least some of the offerings of Fellowship of St. Alban at Church of the Good Shepherd for Holy Week.
***I have been to a Mass at the Fellowship at St. Alban at Church of the Good Shepherd previously and I was very spiritually enriched and inspired. Their liturgy is conducted in a very reverent and profound manner. Their Anglican Liturgy approved by the Holy See, which is now part of the Latin rite for Roman Catholics, closely resembles the Tridentine Mass except it is in English. The Last Gospel is included as well as other familiar parts included in the Tridentine Mass. There is Latin inserted into their liturgy by way of responses and liturgical parts of the Mass sung by the choir, in addition to other offerings sung by the choir in multi-part harmony done mostly done in Palestrina -style. The choir which sang at the Mass I attended was made up of students from the Eastman School of Music and the organist was a doctoral candidate at the Eastman School of Music.
In this Anglican Liturgy which is now a part of the Roman rite, the priest faces the altar while celebrating Mass. Altar servers are composed of adult men of the Congregation which are garbed similarly to those adult men who serve at the Tridentine Mass at the Latin Mass Community of Rochester, New York. The priest incenses the Altar and the one of the altar servers/acolytes incenses the Congregation. Holy Communion is taken by kneeling at the altar rail – they currently are using the front pew on either side of the church to facilitate this. When I received Holy Communion on my knees in the front pew set-up of the altar rail, I was struck by the reverence and words of the priest as he offered me Holy Communion. At the same time, there was heavenly, harmonic, reverent, inspiring music coming from the choir loft which added to my deeply profound spiritual experience.
Facts to know: These former Anglicans/Episcopalians are now Roman Catholics. They all had to go through a candidacy, formation,and education process similar to RCIA before being accepted into the Roman Catholic Church. There have been instances of whole parishes going through this process together to be accepted into the Roman Catholic Church. Anglican/Episcopalian clergy had to request entry into the Roman Catholic clergy and be accepted before entering into a candidacy, formation and seminary education program before being initiated and ordained as Roman Catholic clergy. I read somewhere from some clergy that it took three years for this process to take place.
Also, any Roman Catholic priest can use the Anglican liturgy from the Ordinate-they would just have to first write to the Ordinate for permission to be granted faculties. (They would have no difficulty being granted faculties and it would probably be granted expediently).
Pope Benedict XVI saw richness in the Anglican liturgy and that’s why he approved it for use by these Roman Catholics with Anglican heritage to use, not only for their own worship, but as a liturgy to be shared with the rest of the Roman Catholic Church and the Universal Church, for their edification.
An excerpt from Anglicanorum Coetibus by Pope Benedict XVI:
“III. Without excluding liturgical celebrations according to the Roman Rite, the Ordinariate has the faculty to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and the other Sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical celebrations according to the liturgical books proper to the Anglican tradition, which have been approved by the Holy See, so as to maintain the liturgical, spiritual and pastoral traditions of the Anglican Communion within the Catholic Church, as a precious gift nourishing the faith of the members of the Ordinariate and as a treasure to be shared.”
Holy Week is the summit of our Christian worship and experience and I often find myself taking advantage of multiple options in the area. I like to attend beyond obligation and pray that God will always bless me and others, by putting the fire of desire in our hearts of all things of Him.
I would really encourage readers and others to attend one or more offerings at the Fellowship of St. Alban at Church of the Good Shepherd in Henrietta.
I found this inspirational.
militia – That indeed is inspirational! Thanks for sharing that link /story.