The Fellowship of St. Alban – our local group of Catholics under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter – will be celebrating mass this Saturday at 5pm at Good Shephered in Henrietta.
From the Fellowship’s website:
Vigil for the second Sunday in Lent
Good Shepherd church
Mass in the Ordinariate Use, Fr. Catania guest celebrant
Followed by Adult Ed talk by Fr. Catania, title TBA
We are doubly blessed to have Fr. Jason Catania spend the day with us, as well as having our visiting choir sing the mass setting as well as a Motet.
Following mass, there will be refreshments and an “adult education talk” from Fr. Catania.
Since the retirement of their former pastor, John Cornelius, the Fellowship has not had the opportunity to celebrate mass in the Ordinariate Use.
All are welcome to attend.
By way of reminder, the Ordinariate Use is in full communion with Rome and fulfills a Catholic’s Sunday obligation.
Tags: Fellowship of Saint Alban, Orthodoxy at Work, Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter