Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Building Real Churches Again

January 21st, 2015, Promulgated by Bernie

We may have left the period of building churches that look like “non-churches”. The craziness may be over. Le’s hope so.

Here is a link to a post about the dedication of a new Catholic Church in South Carolina. Those who have been following my series on Church Architecture Styles will recognize the Early Christian basilica style of the interior and the atrium outside. The facade is Italian Renaissance. The advancing three dimensional nature of the facade and concave scroll buttresses joining the top level of the facade to the wider lower level suggest the Baroque style (which I have not yet covered in the series on styles).

There are several photos and artist renderings you can see by following the link.

From the New Liturgical Movement website:

01 Aerial Perspective - Final smallest

See more photos here.

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One Response to “Building Real Churches Again”

  1. annonymouse says:

    Beautiful. Looks quite a bit like St. Margaret Mary in Rochester.

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