My prior post “Update on Cleansing Fire” summarized and updated regarding our strategic direction, and some relatively minor changes which have been made to the site in the last few months. You might want to read that post first, for orientation.
Since a picture is worth at least 1000 words, we haven’t been ignoring the banner across the top either; we just haven’t reached consensus. Add to that being seriously deficient in executing artwork professionally (well, I’ll say that about myself in particular,) it is long overdue to reach out to the more artistically inclined readers of Cleansing Fire with an invitation to submit your ideas, especially artwork. Here are some guidelines:
A.) The Name “Cleansing Fire” should remain, and the flame image, from which we’ve been delivered, as a theme. While we aren’t “in” the flames, perhaps there is some analogy to being delivered a la Dante (not to be confused with “al dente”) from Purgatorian flames? We’d also like to keep the white letters on black background, and be compatible with our archives.
B.) The sad Christ should be replaced with a joyful, triumphant Christ. (My personal preference has been the magnificent mosaic of the Christ figure over the main altar at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. I offer that not to prejudice the input but to convey the concept of triumph.)
C.) The words need updating to more accurately reflect our current situation, which has certainly changed from Tribulation. But. what best describes where we are now? Latin plus English would be appropriate. I’ve been using a working title of “To Know Him, to Love Him, to Serve Him,” but we are open to your more dramatic ideas!
D.) There is probably no need to incorporate a papal figure in the banner which, at a minimum, reminds us of our prior calls for intercession and of petitions to Pope Benedict. (And he DID hear us, didn’t he?) The year of founding is probably not needed (as the archives will show history — which has also been moved to its own page.)
So with this minimal input, we call for anyone ‘out there’ willing to try to design a new banner/masthead. Add a comment or use the contact button to let us know! If we’ve missed anything in this 2-part report, please also add a comment. Thank you to all who have given us advice in the meantime, including the recommendation to ask for help!
In a future post, look for an invitation and guidelines to participate by writing guest posts for Cleansing Fire. Coming soon.